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Five (5) Common Types Of Business Blogs
A blog is a site that a person can use as a live journal or to promote a business. When you are promoting a business however, you will need to do a lot of research on the topic before beginning. If you are new to blogging, as a business or just want to get the word out on a certain business, you need to know the more common business topics. This can provide you with a starting point. There are five most common businesses that use blogs to promote their business.
1. Specialty Blogs
This type of business blog is usually written by two more contributes with a common interest. It is a great way for you to build an online community with people that share your interests and ideas. This type of blog can include such things like weight loss, how to stay healthy, or even golf topics among others. The possibilities are endless.
2. Feature Blogs
In this type of blog you will be advertising creative types of businesses. These creative topics can include, but are not limited to, topics on sewing, crafting, computer programming and digital photography as well as many others. The possibilities for this type of business blog are endless. In this type of business blog you have the opportunity to show various pictures, video clips, and even sewing projects that you have been working on among others. This is one type of business blog that you will need to be creative one. The more creative you are the more visitors you will get.
3. Industry Blogs
This blog focuses on a more narrow type of industry and usually is made by industries that sell their products to other businesses. It usually consists of a variety of different topics including trade shows, new lines of product, and materials among others. This is a little more difficult of a blog to create. It will take a lot of careful research and you will need to know a lot of information on the industry you are creating your blog on.
4. Tourist Blogs
Of all the business blogs so far this is about the easiest and the most fun to create. You can write on certain tourist areas of interest and include pictures of the area. You can add tourist attractions famous to the area along with the climate and travel information just to name a few.
5. Consulting blogs
Usually consulting blogs are run by one person offering their opinion, and advice on a certain topic. This is a great way to develop an online community in a topic that interests you.
No matter what business you wish to create or may already belong to, blogging is a great way to advertise.
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