Hey hun!
I hope you've been having a great day so far. :)
Personally, I find it really hard to explain exactly I do to my parents. Just the other day I was trying to open an investment account with my bank and I told the person I was a blogger. HAHA.HEHE. HAHA.
She gave me a sarcastic laugh because the older generation perceive bloggers to be giggly teenagers who write about anything cute and funny. How far is that from the truth, right? ;)
Do you find it hard to explain your online blog + biz to your family, fans, followers, and friends too?
Honestly, I would say that my family and friends are some of the most open-minded people in the world. They value entrepreneurship and business. They say, .... "Your site, just sits there and makes money that's not a biz"....
For instance, my cousin opened her own chain of music school to teach piano, as music is her passion, another teaches dance and one other does martial arts. Go figure!
Many of my college friends started or are still working on start-ups, some of which are successful. Cafes, apps, etc, you name it. Generally, they are applauded for being entrepreneurial and ambitious.
Yet, I find it hard to explain what I do to people IRL
Coming from an Asian country, the culture of starting an online business is almost unheard of. Freelance, yes. Blogger, yes. Corporate consulting, yes.
Online courses, no. Coaching, no. Online consulting, no. Email funnels, no. Affiliate marketing, no. Virtual Anything, NO! NO!
I vacillate between, "I do digital marketing", to "I'm a blogger", and so on and so forth...
A quick tip
Many of my clients and students face the same issue, so I thought I would give you some tips.
One quick tip I have for you is to frame your online career in a way that's easy to understand for people, depending on who you meet. Explain in terms that they would understand.
For instance, I tell my friends that I do small business consulting (instead of coaching). I tell my parents that I do marketing (rather than saying I'm a digital marketing strategist). And so on...
If you still get dissed (this happens more regularly than you think), my next tip is this: Don't get too hung up about it. Show your family the monetary results. I've found from experience that almost everyone goes from skeptical to curious/ interested when you actually show them the monetary results of your labor ;)
For me, my family and I have reached a point of, "I don't really understand what you do, but I will support you regardless". I'm pretty grateful for their support.
I hope the tips help! If you happen to have really unsupportive family and peers, don't worry about it. You do you. Let them do their them. Also, #showthemthemoolah (when the day comes) and they will likely be more supportive. Seriously.
Recommended Resources
It is very important to me to connect my subscribers to the right resources I have created. Please feel free to check out some of my best resources below and get your learning on this week.
1. Just starting out and have not started your blog?
- Sign up for my Free "How to Start a Profitable Blog The Right Way (Step-by-Step Training!)" Webinar. Want to start your blog right? Learn how to get started, my top theme recommendations, what plugins to install, how to monetize your new website and much more during this webinar! For beginner bloggers & entrepreneurs.
- Join the Free 7-Day Blog Starter Challenge here. I'll show you how to start a blog the RIGHT way! You'll learn how to launch a website (techy worries begone), the mistakes to avoid, how to grow your income and more.
2. Need more traffic and subscribers?
- Sign up for my free webinar, "3 Key Strategies Behind How I Gained 10,000 Subscribers In The Past 12 Months", or
- Sign up for my 7-Day Turbo Your Traffic + Email List Mini Course where you will get 7 days of action-packed strategies to turbo-charge your blog traffic & email list, straight into your inbox.
3. Are you ready to go beyond random articles on the net and straight to building your successful blog + biz strategically? Check out my signature courses where you will get my best strategies and in-depth guidance:
That's all for now, folks.
Have a great week ahead. Stay amazing, friend.
God bless & respect the side hustle hard,
---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Raelyn Tan <raelyn@raelyntan.com>
Date: Thu, May 23, 2019 at 11:46 AM
Subject: Trying to explain what I do to my family...
To: jon <joaoa.dsilva2019@gmail.com>
New to the community? I'm Raelyn from raelyntan.com. I've been blogging for 10 years, have an academic background in marketing, did content marketing and social media in the corporate world, and now have a following of about 50k+ bloggers & online entrepreneurs. I live and breathe online entrepreneurship & digital marketing and am privileged to make a full-time income with my online blog + business. Great to meet you! :)

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