

Fwd: Earn a million dollars – message 1

---------- Forwarded message --------- From: Jon Silver < > Date: Tue, Feb 2, 2021 at 3:14 PM Subject: Re...

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Fwd: A bearded man, a BBQ and $2,000/day online?

 Re: The Laptop Lifestyle,

Hi, if you'd like to read it later save Pinterest and/ or share it.

Hey, Depending on the season $2,000/ hr to

$2,000 a DAY! That's how much the bearded man sitting across from me smoking a cigarette at a backyard BBQ in Denver told me he was making online... (more in a minute)

It's John, here.

Ever want to work from anywhere in the world? Me too, and that's what I do today. In fact, I'm writing you from a plane to the east coast, the far East coast right now...

But years ago, I was on a very different path, one that almost ended in disaster about ten years ago...  

I had done everything that was expected of me my whole life. I went to school, I got good grades, I got in to college, I got an internship, I even graduated with distinction, twice ass.

Fast forward a couple of years, and I found myself in a job in the real estate industry that I didn't like and a life that I couldn't get behind. 

I sat at work, wearing a dress shirt and tie... sipping a Starbucks black coffee staring out the window, wondering what I was doing inside an office.

A year earlier I was winning the CBS collegiate nationals in Skiing & Snowboarding, and now I'm sitting in an office?

I had gone from feeling alive, going full on adrenaline rush, to having the biggest rush of my day be... my morning drive to the office. I was BORED!

My deskmate Bob came to work, sat down next to me, and looked over, sensing that I was a bit down that day.

He leaned over, and with good intentions, leaned over and said "ten years of hard work, and you can drive any car you want, live in any house you want, and get the corner office..."

That's when I realized I was in the wrong place.

My goal in life wasn't to drive a better car (even though now I can), it wasn't to ascend the ranks, working day in and day out in the office...

I wanted to see the world, but I had never even left the country. I had never even seen my own country. 

What had I done?

I had let someone else design my life. To top it all off, that weekend, my girlfriend of six years broke up with me. I guess she could sense that I wasn't living my best life.

I was devastated. I spent all weekend at the bars, just trying to convince myself that I was happy all week working a job I didn't like. 

That is, until Sunday afternoon at a neighborhood barbecue here in Denver.

I sat down across from a guy at a backyard party and introduced myself. I went with the standard line of questioning… "what do you do?" 

Ten minutes later, I'm completely enraptured as he is telling me how he makes $2,000 a day minimally, online and that's a bad days.

He's telling me it's possible to replace your income working online, regardless of experience or credentials, and without being salesy. 

I couldn't contain myself.

I wanted to see the world, and I wanted to build a life on my own terms, and this seemed like a major breakthrough in what I thought was possible. 

Want to know how he was doing it? Check out the webinar (You can sign up here if you missed it) or open the email tomorrow and I'll let you in on the secret. 

Anyway, from that day forward, my life wasn't the same.

Just like none of my clients lives have been the same after they've made the same leap. Just ask my client who started a side business consulting and added over $100k to his income, per email sent to a buddy...

Shortly after I set a plan to replace my income online, and I sold most of my things and boarded a plane to Central America with a small backpack and a one way ticket.

I'll tell you about that tomorrow too.  

My flight's about to land, I gotta go I have a stop over. I'm headed to Pennsylvania to hang out with my family for the week have to that every do often otherwise I get disowned. (Don't worry, I'll be working, I can do that from anywhere #theworldismyoffice)

Talk soon,  


P.S. I noticed you signed up for the free workshop on how to quit your job, become a digital marketing consultant and travel the world this year. If you missed that, you can sign up for the next webinar here >>>

If you haven't joined our free Facebook group where I give away some of my best stuff, go ahead and join now >> Join the Facebook Group

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---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Xtian M. <>
Date: Sun, Jul 21, 2019, 1:03 PM
Subject: A bearded man, a BBQ and $2,000/day online?
To: João <>

--%Christian Martin

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