

Fwd: Earn a million dollars – message 1

---------- Forwarded message --------- From: Jon Silver < > Date: Tue, Feb 2, 2021 at 3:14 PM Subject: Re...

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Fwd: Did I ever tell you about the time I won a trip?


Last year, I was in three different masterminds.


It was the final three months of the year, and I had tons of stuff going on with my business and personal life. It was a super busy time of the year for me.


On top of this, I had this one-day mastermind in Columbus, which was a long flight away.


It would take a whole day to travel to Columbus for a one-day mastermind and then another whole day to fly back.


So, three days for a one-day mastermind.


My brain said, "I don't want to go to that! It's just too much traveling, and I have too much going on right now! Besides, it's just ONE DAY, and it's really far away, and I've got to go all the way over there."


So I wasn't going to go.


Like my brain was like NOPE, NO, NAH, NADA... But then I checked in with my intuition... and my intuition was YES.




Whenever my intuition says yes, I say yes.


John Silva, since my intuition was yes, I had to book the flight kind of last minute. I paid much, much, more than I needed to because I waited so long.


I also invited one of my VIP clients (the ones who pay the hundred thousand dollars for a VIP day with me) to come with me.


So first thing in the morning, he writes out a little note, he's like, "Hey, what's your outcome for this mastermind day? What do you want to get out of it?"


(Sometimes I go to an event with the goal that I'm going to go learn something or look for a specific outcome, whatever that is)


But I just knew my intuition brought me to this thing.


So I knew it doesn't really matter what my mind thinks, something was gonna happen for me there, RIIIIIGHT?


Well, the first session of the day they brought in a speaker who wasn't anyone I'd ever heard of before. I didn't know who he was or what he was even there to teach, really. But as soon as he started talking it was like, "Oh, I'm starting to get some breakthroughs!


I thought, "Well, maybe this is what I needed to get."


I definitely needed to hear it.


Then, later that afternoon, we all shared the things that we've been doing that helped us grow our business the most.


We were in the small groups and then everybody in the group voted for the person who gave the best advice. And in my little group, they voted that my share was the best.


Next, they had everybody who won from each table go up to the front and share their advice.


I didn't know there was a prize for the contest, but there was a contest to see who would share the best stuff.


Guess what?


I ended up winning the contest!


Better yet... the contest prize was a trip with A LOT of influential people!


So by listening to my intuition I ended up getting epiphanies, breakthroughs, and information I wasn't aware of previously.


Not to mention winning a free trip PLUS meeting lots of influential people!


This is when everything within me DID NOT want to go for the mastermind.


If you listen to your intuition, who knows what's going to happen?


Things just flow and life happens through us when we really tune in.


So tune in to your intuition, and see if IMX is right for you.


I recommend everybody be there Live.


Nothing beats actually being there with me, letting me work with you, letting me help you on some of the inner game stuff and using the Instant Miracle and Peace Process to help you release blocks.


Those are all things that we can really accomplish most efficiently and effectively together.


If you're thinking about, "Well, it might be too late."


(or) "I missed out on the early bird and now I don't think I can come…"


what I want to say is: do whatever you have to do to get to Chicago.


I don't know how in-tune you are with your intuition...but allow your intuition to guide you.


Let yourself be pulled by the call.


It's not too late to come.

It's not too late to get a roommate.

It's not too late to get AirBnB.

It's not too late to book your travels.


Let yourself be drawn to this event if you're meant to come.


Harken to the call.


Do not put it off.


Today is the last day to get in before it goes up to full ticket price. 


When you're actually in the room with me and we're working on your stuff together, you can expect that we will experience Instant Miracles, together.


If your intuition is nudging you to come, there's a reason why.


You never know what else your intuition has in store for you!


Big Love,




John (João) A. Silva

805 291 6470 Mobile (VM)

"The best day of your life is the one on which you decide your life is your own. No apologies or excuses. No one to lean on, rely on, or blame. The gift is yours -- it is an amazing journey -- and you alone are responsible for the quality of it. This is the day your life really begins." -- B Moawad, author


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---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Christian Mickelsen <>
Date: Sun, Jul 28, 2019 at 3:23 PM
Subject: Did I ever tell you about the time I won a trip?
To: <>





C Mickelsen 

CEO, Future Force, Inc 

936 SE 1st Ave #943

Miami, FL  33130  USA

(800) 492-7152


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Future Force Inc.
936 SE 1st Ave #943
Miami, Florida 33130
United States
(800) 492-7152

Future Force Inc.
936 SE 1st Ave #943
Miami, Florida 33130
United States
(800) 492-7152

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