

Fwd: Earn a million dollars – message 1

---------- Forwarded message --------- From: Jon Silver < > Date: Tue, Feb 2, 2021 at 3:14 PM Subject: Re...

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Fwd: From Teen Mom to CEO [CASE STUDY]

Caroline Vencil went from struggling to make ends meet to making ten thousand dollars a month thanks to her enrollment in Elite Blog Academy


I don't know about you, but there is nothing more powerful or inspiring to me than hearing the real stories of other people who have been successful doing the things that I would like to do.

People like Caroline Vencil.



When she was in high school, Caroline Vencil had dreams of conquering the world by the time she was 25, including being the youngest-ever CEO of a Fortune 500 company.

And then she got pregnant at age 18, and everything changed.

Caroline and her husband struggled to make ends meet on his $17,000 a year salary, and she didn't just shove her career aspirations under the rug, she threw all those big dreams out the window. And instead of pursuing a career, she threw herself into being a mom and a wife—and to saving money wherever she could.

But after three kids, she suddenly had a moment of revelation that this was not what she was meant for and that there was something more she should be doing.

Ultimately, she realized that she had a story that was worth sharing and decided that starting a blog would be the perfect way to share all her tips and advice, as well as help her earn extra money from home.

She read countless income reports from other bloggers, and thought, "I could do that too."

But she soon found out, getting those people to show up wasn't quite as easy as she thought it would be. For months, she barely slept as she worked day and night to try to gain some traction—to grow her traffic and generate revenue—with very little to show for all the effort she was putting in.

In her best month, she earned a whopping $0.17 from Google AdSense.

Needless to say, she was pretty frustrated!

But then she discovered Elite Blog Academy®, and, as she puts it, "It was all over from there. I signed up and immediately knew it was the best thing I've ever spent money on."

Within just 3 months of starting EBA®, Caroline was earning more than $1,000 a month, and one year later, she was earning more than $10,000 a month from her blog, a number that felt pretty insane, considering how little her family had lived on before.

Speaking of her journey over the past two years, Caroline says this:

"I had a story that people wanted to hear, I had something that was worth sharing, that was going to be helpful to people, I just never knew it. I was just over there wallowing in self-pity about 'oh, I'm just a mom'—but no! There was a reason I went through all of that, and so being able to have my blog and find my voice and share that with people—it gave me so much purpose and meaning. Now I'm a better mom and a better wife because I found something that makes me happy to my core.

EBA has changed everything, and it has taken me from hating my life as a mom to now being a business owner, and I just love every aspect of it.

The highlight of my entire life was being able to send in my legal documents to incorporate my business and create an actual company from my blog the day before I turned 25 as the CEO of my company."

Pretty amazing, right?

I love Caroline's story because it shows how much is possible if you are willing to buckle down and do the work, regardless of where you've been.

But Caroline's story is not entirely unique. At EBA, we have helped thousands of bloggers create successful, profitable blogging businesses, and we can help you too.

Regardless of where YOU are at right now, or regardless of where you want to go, Elite Blog Academy can help you get there. It provides a comprehensive framework and a step-by-step plan to help you not just take action, but to take the right action.

Our Secret 36 Hour Flash Sale ends tonight at 11:59pm PT, and EBA won't be open to the public again until 2020. Don't miss your chance to make a real and lasting impact. With a 100% money-back guarantee, you've got nothing to lose and everything to gain.

Get started today. Why don't you?

My thanks in advance for your time, attention, trouble, and consideration.


João Silva, xoxo,

P.S. Caroline is definitely not the only one who has seen incredible success from using the principles of EBA. Check out these other amazing stories from our members!

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Ruth Soukup <>
Date: Tue, Jul 30, 2019 at 8:31 AM
Subject: From Teen Mom to CEO [CASE STUDY]
To: <>

xoxo, %%Ruth

PP.S. Caroline is definitely not the only one who has seen incredible success from using the principles of EBA. Check out these other amazing stories from our members!

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Ruth Soukup Omnimedia 307 Taylor Street Punta Gorda, Florida 33950 United States (888) 343-2362

Ruth Soukup Omnimedia 307 Taylor Street Punta Gorda, Florida 33950 United States (888) 343-2362

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