

Fwd: Earn a million dollars – message 1

---------- Forwarded message --------- From: Jon Silver < > Date: Tue, Feb 2, 2021 at 3:14 PM Subject: Re...

Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Fwd: How To "PRODUCTIZE" What You Do and what you have...

If you've recently sensed you're frustrated with


Did you check out that 60 minute training I sent you yesterday?

This was sent the other day in case you missed it...

If you have any interest in making an income OUTSIDE of "WORK", a SideHustle...

Then watch this here. No registration, just go there and watch it today. Then we can talk or proceed.

If you've recently sensed you're frustrated with your "daily grind" and you're starting to ask yourself if there's a better way, then

This is one of the biggest opportunities of our time... you see it everywhere with people online that are spending around $567 million a day on information. Don't want a piece of that!?

I had to make that shift...

Dr. RG said, "I was a dentist for 15 years and then I asked myself:

'Aren't there BETTER models of being fulfilled, and making some serious income WITHOUT having to DO the THING the GRIND EVERYDAY?"

Remember this...

You can't SCALE your income if YOU have to DO SOMETHING to make money trade your time for noney. You have to figure a way to make money while you sleep.

So what's the Golden Key?

You have to move from doing the thing, to PRODUCTIZING the thing, and then selling THAT THING....whatever it is...

How do you PRODUCTIZE SOMETHING YOU DO- and then sell that?

There are five ( 5 ) steps to it.

Each one feeds the next, and when you connect them to-get-her you can launch ANYTHING, anything...

If you have any interest a passion in making an income and impact OUTSIDE of what you currently do, get paid as you change the world...

Then watch this here. No registration, just go there and watch it today.

After watching it- and if it makes sense to you- let's talk! Pick a time and schedule a call with me.

As always, Live Simply Inspired! Laugh Often! Love, deeply! Leave a Legacy!



Jon- Jon

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Dr. R

OG <>
Date: Wed, Jul 31, 2019, 9:15 AM
Subject: How To "PRODUCTIZE" What You Do
To: <>




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Dental Practice Mastery, Inc.
22195 El Paseo
Rancho Santa Margarita, California 92688
United States

Dental Practice Mastery, Inc.
22195 El Paseo
Rancho Santa Margarita, California 92688
United States

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