This week I've been sharing side hustle and virtual assistant tips via video on Facebook live.
While I was really hoping this video trend thing would pass ( Being introverted, I personally prefer to read vs watch video, but might be in the minority ), it looks like it is here to stay, so looks like I'll be continuing to make more videos alongside blog content. 😅
As many of you know, I got my start in about '15. Between my blog and my IG/ Pinterest/ Wholesale Virtual Assistant career, I quit my full time job after only ~10 months of getting started!
Next month will be my anniversary of quitting my day job
x4 - x5 year, which will be a blog post in the future.
Here are a few places to watch the videos:
Pinterest VA IG/ facebook Page(s)
Believe In A Budget IG/ facebook Page(s)
YouTube chanell page
I don't know your preferred way to watch videos, so I'm experimenting with IG/ facebook Live and YouTube etc., so please make sure to like/ subs/ follow!
Each video is around 15 minutes long and to the point because I know we are all super busy!
If you have been thinking about starting a higher-end side hustle that makes you $$$, here are the topics:
🐶Why? 'What's your why?': what made me (you) want to venture out from my(your) day job and explore having my (your) own business (what's it like in the the early days)
🍪 Act like a #boss: how to transition from the mentality of working for someone else to being your own boss and calling the shots... tip, "Act as IF, and become as IF"...
🌮 Time management tips & tricks: how to find time in your busy life to add a high paying side hustle or two (after work, if you're working)
☕ The #1 mistake most virtual assistants make: I've helped thousands of students and this is easily the #1 issue I've seen over the past 4-5 years ( going live TODAY! )
If you have a question about anything talked about, please leave a comment on the video so I can respond there.
My thanks in advance for your time, attention and consideration.
- Kristin
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