

Fwd: Earn a million dollars – message 1

---------- Forwarded message --------- From: Jon Silver < > Date: Tue, Feb 2, 2021 at 3:14 PM Subject: Re...

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Fwd: I was pretty stingy...

I don't really like to talk about this... but up until about 4 years ago, I was pretty stingy ie living frugally.

I was the guy/ girl who juggled as many jobs as possible for as long as I can remember, going to the highest bidder, ( and took pride in the fact that I was such a hard worker and topped off about $110/ hr., as a consultant ). Umm...hello! What about working SMARTER and NOT Harder?!?

I was the guy/ girl who would go shopping, find the perfect thing, GAG if it was over $25, and then THROW it back on the rack like it was a hot potato.

But how much time and money did I waste driving from store to store, looking for a way to save $6?! Pay no more than $3 for anything! If I bought a lower-quality item that didn't last as long, was I really saving anything anyway? or if I went to Goodwill or thrift store and bought 2nd hand... or vintage...   was I really saving anything anyway?

I was the guy/ girl who put a limit on the amount of happiness I would allow myself to experience. 

If something cost money, the feelings of guilt from spending were stronger than my enjoyment. I don't use debit cards, just cash!

It wasn't until JoAn and I started our business, that I realized I needed to shift the way I thought about money. I thought I was being heroic by counting pennies, but in reality, my "money mindset" was actually holding us back. According to Steve Siebold, in his book, "How Rich People Think":

Average people expect to struggle.

Average people long for the "good ol' days."

Average people focus on saving.

Average people ask "Can I afford this?"

When we were starting out, I thought like an "average person" but wanted to have the results of a "rich person." I assumed that once I made money, I would think like a "rich person." What I didn't know, was that I had to think like a "rich person" before I could actually start making money. Thinking like a "rich person" doesn't equal being greedy, self-centered, or evil etc. It simply means believing and acting like there is an abundance (which there is!). Act as if and you'll become as if...

There is always enough.

I love this verse in Matthew 6:25:

"Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothes? Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not more valuable than they?"

If you ever want to break the cycle of "not having enough," the Have  NOTs -- to the Haves whether this is with money .OR. space/ time - you need to start living as if there is already enough. This changed everything for us and our business.

Here's the biggest zinger...

Average people feel pressured to choose between family and wealth.

Siebold writes, "The masses have been brainwashed to believe it is an either/or equation. The rich know that you can have anything you want if you approach the challenge with a mindset rooted in love and abundance."

If we had to choose between friends, family and wealth, we would choose family EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. (Friends come 2nd.) But we don't have to decide! And neither do you! Courses helped us break away from trading time for money. We are free to scale limitlessly without investing any more of our time. We get Freedom, Freedom+, Freedom Premium!

We want to show you how to make this happen for yourself. That is why we created Launch 1MM. This program will take you step-by-step through the entire process of developing a course, setting up an automated marketing system, and scaling to $1MM in sales. Launch 1MM gives you EVERYTHING you need, on one place a "One-STOP-Shop!!" We leave nothing out. You'll get tech tutorials, ad strategy, email templates, intelligent automation tactics, spreadsheets to help you stay organized... by the end of this program you will have a business that is generating sales while you're on vacation, a bike ride, at the beach, or out for dinner, even sleeping.

Friend, anything is possible for you.

Learn More.

Cheering you on, 

João & JoAn

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: With the Kings <>
Date: Tue, Sep 10, 2019 at 10:29 AM
Subject: I was pretty stingy...
To: João <>
Sarah and Dillon

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