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Saturday, September 14, 2019

Fwd: Slow and Steady WINS

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Over the past 7 months we've invested in building out solid content and steadily releasing it on a weekly basis, outside of this newsletter, of course.  We've got plenty of room to improve (and we will), but our Side Hustle project is a literal side hustle, so we're practicing what we preach and are VERY proud of the steady results.  To date, we average about 1,300 unique new visitors to month, who on average stay on our site for 2 minutes and 22 seconds per second, which is decent stickiness if you ask me.  See our growth pattern in the screen shot at the end of today's newsletter.  Our newsletter continues to grow methodically and our engagement is exceptional and way above industry averages.  

Over the coming months, we'll be doubling down on our content creation with our most ambitious release to date.  We've not given it an official name yet, but it will be a start to finish educational side hustle playbook.  It'll include a framework to guide you on your side hustle journey, real time tools to search side hustle ideas that match YOUR interests and abilities, and how to go about creating a new side hustle from scratch, if you so choose.  All told, it'll be over 50 plus pages of content and all FREE.  We can't wait to share it with you and really hope you enjoy it as much as we did creating it.  Stay tuned!

How I Self-published My First Book in 10 Steps (Financial Benefits & MORE)

Today's Side Hustle case study explores a "new" author's process in writing his very first book.  Not only is he a dear friend of ours, he's also one of our site's co-founders (Richard Vinhais).  He's graciously offered up his time to be interviewed for this exclusive deep-dive into his journey to self publication.  His book is called Discovering Time:  Stories from a collector community 


5 Creative Ways to Make Money with eBay

Believe it or not, eBay is not only still alive, it is thriving. What used to be akin to an online yard sale is now a flourishing marketplace. Sure, you could browse eBay to score a great deal on that sweater you've been eyeing — but you could also use the platform to make yourself some cold, hard cash.


5 Critical Steps to Getting Your Personal Finances In Order

Before you head down the path of finding the best side hustle for YOU, it's a rather important exercise to take a step back to ensure your personal finances are in order.  By seeing where your money is actually going, you'll be better prepared to stretch every dollar even further, which in turn will help you more readily reap the financial benefits that come from taking on a side hustle.  For those of you that already have their personal finances truly in order – good for you!  Pat yourself on the back and get back to work as your next side hustle awaits.  For the rest of us mere mortals, please read on.


Tim Ferriss, the Man Who Put His Money Behind Psychedelic Medicine

I'll be the first to admit that I'm a bit of a Tim Ferriss fan-boy, but probably not for most reasons others seem to appreciate him.  This guy always marches to his own drummer and has a tendency to go down unpopular or unknown paths.  His latest crusade?  He's set aside most of his projects to advance psychedelic medicine, "for macro reasons but also deeply personal ones."

Here's a snippet from the article, but I strongly encourage you to read the entire piece:

"Psychiatry is one of the most conservative specialties in medicine," said David Nichols, a medicinal chemist who founded the Heffter Research Institute in 1993 to fund psychedelic research. "We haven't really had new drugs for years, and the drug industry has quit the field because they don't have new targets" in the brain. "The field was basically stagnant, and we needed to try something different."

Johns Hopkins Medicine is well on its way to opening a new center to study psychedelic drugs for mental disorders.  Tim is a major reason why because of his leading the fund raising charge.  Talk about making the most of his platform.  Inspiring to say the least.  

READ MORE Growth Data Since Inception
Where did ping pong originate?

The game originated in England during the 1880s, where it was played among the upper-class as an after-dinner parlour game. It has been suggested that the game was first developed by British military officers in India or South Africa who brought it back with them.

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Date: Fri, Sep 13, 2019 at 6:29 AM
Subject: Slow and Steady WINS
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