

Fwd: Earn a million dollars – message 1

---------- Forwarded message --------- From: Jon Silver < > Date: Tue, Feb 2, 2021 at 3:14 PM Subject: Re...

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Fwd: ❓Your Questions Answered About Six-Figure Blogger!

Hey, y'all! A couple of days ago, we announced our FALL FLASH SALE for 20% off Six-Figure Blogger!

We've also been sharing some of the AWESOME success stories from some of our top Six-Figure Blogger students, including...

  • How Natalie created her first eBook and her first course (with another two courses on the way), and took her monthly income from an average of $3k to $20k per month
  • How Mike earned over $10,000 in profits from his first successful course creation and launch

Six-Figure Blogger is a more advanced course on blog monetization, so we want to cover some basic questions about the course to help you figure out if it's right for YOU!

If we miss any important questions that you have, please feel free to reply back to this email and ask us!

So, first of all...

Who is Six-Figure Blogger For?

Intermediate Bloggers

This course is not suitable for brand new bloggers. If you've started a blog and have made your first bit of income ($0-$1,000) but are looking to expand that growth, this course is for you! If you've just launched your blog and don't have any traffic yet, this course is going to be a bit too advanced for you!

People who actually want to help others.

If you want to create some slimy product and trick people into buying using our methods, this ain't for you! This is about creating real and honest products that truly help people reach their goals. These methods are powerful and you don't get to 6 figures being a jerk.

Those interested in creating your own products or learning how to sell to your audience better.

Both are covered extensively. There is some more advanced affiliate marketing training in this course, because there is a lot of crossover between selling ANY digital product. There is also TONS of sales page and email marketing training in this course as well that can really make a huge difference to your bottom line.

Busy people!

We know many of you still have full-time jobs, so we do our best to break down everything in as simple of a manner as possible. There's a ton of content in the course (there's no way around it), but we included only what's absolutely needed and left out the fluff.

Who is Six-Figure Blogger Not For?

People looking to get rich quick.

You won't buy this course and wake up a millionaire. If that's your expectation or desire, this course is not for you, my friend. It takes time to become a successful blogger, but this course is designed to cut down that time drastically for you!

Anyone who has JUST started their blog and hasn't started driving traffic yet.

If you are still working through WordPress and trying to design your blog, our Launch Your Blog Course is a better option for you.

Personal blogs that don't really want to make money.

Blogging as a hobby is fine, and there's nothing wrong with it, but this course is about making actual money from your blog. If you're just blogging for fun and have no real vision for a future, this course is not for you.

Anyone scared of rolling up their sleeves and doing some work.

No, you don't become a six-figure blogger or become elite at ANYTHING without putting in work. Welcome to life.

Frequently Asked Questions

What if I am a newbie blogger?
If you are in the beginning stages of trying to drive traffic to your blog and make your bit of income blogging, this course is not for you. Our Make Money Blogging Course is designed to help new bloggers drive their first bit of traffic to their site and make their first $1,000/month. Only if you have already gotten the traffic thing down and are ready to consider creating your own digital products or services should you grab this course!
What if I haven't started my blog yet?
If you haven't started your blog yet, this course will not be ideal for you. Our Launch Your Blog Course is dedicated to teaching you how to start, build, and launch your blog and we recommend starting their first. You can always hop into Six-Figure Blogger afterward when you are ready! :)
What if I've been blogging for a while (1 year or more)?
If you have an audience already and have a good foothold on blogging, this course will change the game for you. There is not a doubt in our hearts. The lessons are from thousands of different experiments with our own blogs from our two-headed dynamic team. Even if you have a product, you're going to learn more about automating the sales process than any other blogging product on the market. Just the section on sales pages ALONE could mean thousands of extra dollars in your pocket every month.
Will this course help me get traffic to my blog?
No, it will not. We do provide some insight on how to get more visitors to your sales pages, but this course is specifically about monetizing a blog through selling products and services (both affiliate marketing and/or your own). It's not about driving traffic, because that's a WHOLE different ballgame, my friends. That is why we created Pinterest Traffic Avalanche.
Will I need to purchase anything else once I get the course?
It depends on whether you are building your own product or not. If you plan to just use affiliate marketing exclusively, then there is nothing else you need to purchase! We DO recommend a paid software for email marketing, because of the ease of use, customization, and power. It actually SAVES you so much time (and therefore money - time is money in our book), but it's completely optional, we have included free options as well. Now if you do want to build your own product, you will need a platform to host that product. This will cost anywhere from $39-99/month. We have recommendations inside the course.
Can I find this information for free online?
Not really! 90% of the information you will find on blogging is incredibly fragmented and incomplete. This is just the nature of blogging and how the internet works. Yes, you can start trying to hunt out this information on your own, but you will spend hundreds if not thousands of hours like we did looking in the wrong spots. This is 100% the course we wish we had when we started out. It would have saved us so much time and money, it's painful for us to think about!
Is there a time limit to complete the course? How long do I have access?
There is no time limit to going through the content in this course. It's a completely go-at-your-own-pace thing! Your access to the course doesn't expire. The blogging world is an ever-evolving and changing monster that you have to stay on top of if you want to win! This is why you get lifetime access to this content, including videos, worksheets, and any future updates to the course!
Do you offer any refunds or guarantees?
Absolutely. If you go through the course, implement our strategies, and don't see any results, then you can email us within 60 days for a full refund. All we ask is that you provide evidence that you've put these methods into place with your blog or website and can show that they have not worked for you. All refunds are subject to the terms of the full refund policy linked on the footer of this page.
What format is the content delivered in?
Video! You will have video instruction and step-by-step walkthroughs of every major topic. This is by far the best way to learn the material we provide - by us demonstrating exactly what we have done to have so much success.
How can I get started?

Here's exactly how to grab the discounted course and get started:

STEP 1. Click here to get Six-Figure Blogger for 20% Off (Discount should already be applied but enter coupon code: FALLSALE19 at checkout if you don't see it right away).

STEP 2. You'll get instant access to the course and our awesome community group!


João & JoAn

P.S. If you have any additional questions about whether this course is right for you, please feel free to respond back to this eMail! <>

We'd love to help you decide if this course is right for you!

Don't forget that this deal ends TOMORROW!

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Alex and Lauren <>
Date: Sun, Sep 29, 2019, 7:05 AM
Subject: ❓Your Questions Answered About Six-Figure Blogger!
To: <>

--Alex and Lauren

We only want to send you the most awesome content that is relevant to you and your blog biz. If you'd rather no longer receive emails from us, you can unsubscribe at any time. We'll only cry a little bit.

113 Cherry St #92768, Seattle, WASHINGTON 98104-2205

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