

Fwd: Earn a million dollars – message 1

---------- Forwarded message --------- From: Jon Silver < > Date: Tue, Feb 2, 2021 at 3:14 PM Subject: Re...

Thursday, September 12, 2019

RE: You're in! Here are your important next steps…


You're in! My friend Ammy has set you up.


First, let's fire up the happy dance. 



I personally cannot wait to meet you on Friday, September 13th at 10am Pacific to 1pm Eastern to share everything you need to know to get started with your first successful (and profitable!) digital course, from creation to launching and everything in between!

(If you need to reschedule click ..
--> FREE!)


Here are your complete details (be sure to pin this email for easy reference!):


Date: Friday, September 13th


Time: 10am Pacific / 1pm Eastern


Click here to join the masterclass.


There have been some MASSIVE shifts in the digital course industry. . . and by signing up and showing up LIVE . . .  you're literally going to be at the forefront of the next wave of successful digital course owners.


Pretttttty exciting, right?


I absolutely cannot wait to help get you there.


But first… 


Here are THREE super-important next steps to make sure you get the most out of this training.

  • Get it on your calendar! And try to give yourself a 20-minute buffer before and after the scheduled time. What we'll be covering can quite literally re-shape your life and business. If you're not TOTALLY in love with the current state of your business… you owe it to yourself to give ample time before and after to integrate the training and take the most impactful actions.

  • Download and print the Workbook: To ensure you're fully focused and ready, download/print the workbook (I designed it so it won't take too much ink!) and keep it near your workspace. This will help you absorb the training and get clear on your next steps. 

  • Name your course! On page 6, I provide an incredible exercise that can have your course name locked down in under 10 mins. Pretty awesome right? It might sound trivial, but don't underestimate how powerful and motivating it can be having your course named.

Once again, congrats on this amazing first step!


The next level strategies and insights in this masterclass have literally been 10 years in the making, and by signing up, you're going to be part of the first group of course creators to get it!


See you in a few days,



In this Masterclass, you'll learn:

  1. The Major Mindset Shift

    that all successful digital course owners adopt as they begin to create their first profitable course

  2. Real-Life Examples of Profitable Digital Courses

    that you can create in your own business and how to double down on the ONE that's most likely to be a runaway hit in your market

  3. The Most Simple and Effective Recording Strategy

    that dramatically cuts down on time and production costs, yet still delivers an amazing course that students are excited to pay for

  4. The Single MOST Effective Way to
    Sell Your Course

    and why you MUST know this right out of the gate to stay motivated through the entire course creation journey

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Amy Porterfield <>
Date: Thu, Sep 12, 2019, 6:04 AM
Subject: You're in! Here are your important next steps…
To: <>











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Amy Porterfield, Inc. 3451 Via Montebello #192-418 Carlsbad, California 92009 United States

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