

Fwd: Earn a million dollars – message 1

---------- Forwarded message --------- From: Jon Silver < > Date: Tue, Feb 2, 2021 at 3:14 PM Subject: Re...

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Fwd: 👩🏻‍💻 How we started our blog + SPOILER ALERT!


Did we tell you how we got started blogging?

We, started out no differently than probably most of you.

I was a CPA/CISSP working crazy hours a mid-sized accounting firm in Metro Dallas, Texas and my partner was a full-time personal trainer busting butt for an hourly wage.

I think the most important thing you can understand about our story is that there is nothing inherently special about our backgrounds.

Other than being pretty motivated and hard-working...

We're average 'joes.'

And like many of you, we dreamed of a different life... a better life, where we weren't trading time for money.

One that didn't require us to trade our hours for dollars or have our income limited to whichever rung on the corporate ladder we were currently on or aspire to be.

We decided to start a health and wellness blog and spend our nights and weekends trying to build this world class dream, team.

One year and a lot of mistakes later, we had earned over $100,000 with our small health and wellness blog!

Now, we run two successful blogs together and make over 2x ($100,000/MONTH!)

And we achieved all of this within just a couple of years! I'm gettin' ahead of myself...

But let's back up to the beginning...

The part where you're sitting here with no idea WHERE to get started...

The VERY first step in creating your first blog is choosing a good hosting company to take your blog online.

(aka make it visible to the world!)

We, unfortunately, started our blog with a hosting company that caused us some problems just a few months later. (The sites & blog crashed, and it was more expensive.)

Thankfully, we had someone refer us to Bluehost to get out of that mess mostly unscathed.

The worst thing that you can do here is waste too much time frozen, trying to decide where to start.

We've seen this happen sooo many times.

This is why we believe that getting started with Bluehost is the absolute best thing you can do to set yourself up for success.

It's our favorite because...

  • Your website comes with WordPress already installed!
  • Free domain name included with your hosting account
  • 24/7 Support
  • 30-day money back guarantee!
  • We've personally started several blogs with it.
  • It's one of the most affordable hosting plans on the market!
  • And so much more....

And, are you ready for the best part?


Bluehost is having an EXCLUSIVE SALE 2-Day Sale for Create and Go readers this Monday, October 28th and Tuesday, October 29th.

With this sale, you will be able to start your blog for the LOWEST PRICE EVER!

Here's the deal:

Normally, in order to get the cheapest monthly hosting price, you have to sign up for the THREE-year plan with Bluehost.

But get this:

During this exclusive sale for Create and Go, you'll be able to lock in the lowest price by only signing up for ONE year.

At $2.95/month for a year, you're starting your blog for $35.40.

Normally, it's $110, y'all! That's a savings of $74.60 AND with a lower commitment!

Bluehost has helped so many people, just like you, get their blogs off of the ground.

It's our #1 recommendation in our courses and what most of our successful blogging students use to start their blogs!

To help simplify this process, I'm also going to give you some small steps to take towards starting your own blogging journey.

Be on the lookout for my next email to learn the first step to getting started!

And don't forget to wait until the Bluehost sale before you sign up to save BIG $!

This exclusive, two-day Create and Go sale starts Monday, Oct 28!

This will be your chance to start your blog at the LOWEST PRICE ever!

Make sure to take advantage of this deal while it lasts!



---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Alex and Lauren <>
Date: Sat, Oct 26, 2019 at 7:08 AM
Subject: 👩🏻‍💻 How we started our blog + SPOILER ALERT!
To: <>
Alex and Lauren

We only want to send you the most awesome content that is relevant to you and your blog biz. If you'd rather no longer receive emails from us, you can unsubscribe at any time. We'll only cry a little bit.

113 Cherry St #92768, Seattle, WASHINGTON 98104-2205

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