

Fwd: Earn a million dollars – message 1

---------- Forwarded message --------- From: Jon Silver < > Date: Tue, Feb 2, 2021 at 3:14 PM Subject: Re...

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Fwd: A new thinking & planning system I've "developed" for my biz that I love...


How have you been? :)

I'm writing this email to share with you a cool new thinking & planning system I've developed for my online business using a combination of what I've learned from The 6 Thinking Hats Book (an amazing book I've read recently) and good ole regular post-its.

Intrigued? Read on!

I don't know about you, but there are SO many different business decisions we have to make on a regular basis as online entrepreneurs.

Some examples of questions I've asked myself:

  • Should I increase (or decrease) my prices?
  • Should I rebrand?
  • Should I change the positioning of my course?
  • Should I hire that coach?
  • Should I launch that course idea of mine?
  • Which product should become my signature product?

It is easy to get paralyzed when you're trying to make good decisions as a blogger & online entrepreneur. Recently, I've created a thinking & organizing system that has worked wonders for me.

Here's how to use it too...

Step 1. Understand The 6 Thinking Hats.

The Six Thinking Hats is a system designed by Edward de Bono which describes a tool for group discussion and individual thinking involving six colored hats.

Edward de Bono invented the concept of lateral thinking. He is the leading authority in the field of creative thinking and the direct teaching of thinking as a skill.

I highly recommend you read The 6 Thinking Hats Book - this book is an international best-seller. The system is used Here's a short summary from an article at Mind Tools for the rest of you:

"What is your instinctive approach to decision making? If you're naturally optimistic, then chances are you don't always consider potential downsides. Similarly, if you're very cautious or have a risk-averse outlook, you might not focus on opportunities that could open up. Often, the best decisions come from changing the way that you think about problems, and examining them from different viewpoints. "Six Thinking Hats" can help you to look at problems from different perspectives, but one at a time, to avoid confusion from too many angles crowding your thinking."

Basically, this 6 Thinking Hats methodology helps you to look at a problem from 6 different point of views... so that nothing gets missed out. As a result, you make better and faster decisions because you now think more clearly.

You shuffle through each of these hats and analyze the #1 problem in your online business.

(Picture credits)

  • WHITE HAT: Neutral and objective - look at facts and figures
  • RED HAT: How do you feel? What's your intuition?
  • BLACK HAT: The "devil's advocate" hat. What could go wrong?
  • YELLOW HAT: Think of the best-case scenario. What could go right? What's so great?
  • GREEN HAT: Creativity and think of new ideas
  • BLUE HAT: Organization and getting things done

As you can see, there are many ways to look at any problem in your online business. From facts, to intuition, to thinking about what could go wrong (or right)...

An Example Of A Business Decision I Had To Make

One business decision I made recently was a decision to focus even more specifically on traffic & list building (instead of the broader bucket of building blogs and profitable online businesses).

In the future, I may introduce an additional focus or have a different focus, but for the rest of the year at least, this where I want to be focusing on.

This means helping invisible online entrepreneurs grow their audiences online for more traffic, subscribers, and profits. I've always been doing this, but I've also always been doing many other things.

So how did I use the 6 Thinking Hats to come to this conclusion?

There were many other points but I'll list out some of them here so you can learn how to use The 6 Hats to make your own blog & business decisions.

  • WHITE HAT: Neutral and objective. Look at facts and figures: I've been selling my signature course Traffic Subscribers Yours since 2016. I KNOW there is a demand and I am able to help, this is based on facts (profit numbers and testimonials)
  • RED HAT: How do you feel? What's your intuition? - I feel good about focusing on this specific problem because I know what a big problem it is for online entrepreneurs to need to reach more people in order to have the impact they desire. I enjoy talking about technical stuff.
  • BLACK HAT: The "devil's advocate" hat: I will miss out on being THE expert of other topics...
  • YELLOW HAT: Think of the best-case scenario, think of the sunny and positive pov: Visibility and growing an online audience covers many awesome topics like SEO, Pinterest, Paid Traffic, & List Building... hence it is likely that what is stated in the Black hat will not be an issue. Focusing on solving ONE big problem (online businesses needing more visibility) will help me to stand out.
  • GREEN HAT: Creativity and think of new ideas: I thought of many new ideas but a great one was releasing a front-end template toolkit that will help list builders nurture their subscribers better. This will attract more list builders to my community and over-deliver... which you will hear more about soon!
  • BLUE HAT: Organization and getting things done: I will re-launch Traffic Subscribers Yours (+ launch a new front-end (~$27) template toolkit product that I can sell to people who are interested in growing their email lists).

Notice how each of the 6 thinking hats contributed something unique to help me come to a clear and definite conclusion easily.

Step 2. The 6 Hats With A Twist: Use Colored Post-Its To Visualize Everything!

To make this process even more enjoyable and 1000x its effectiveness, I realized that post-its work amazing for this purpose!

Have one color post-it for each hat. Ideally, the post-it has the same color as the hat you are using.

So, green post-its for green hat thinking. Yellow post-its for yellow hat thinking. And so on.

Map and write everything out. Paste those post-its on a wall.

Here's a little picture of my post-it filled wall:

(Yes, I managed to find gray post-its for the black hat. Ignore what's on the wall, it's not really related to this discussion)

I almost guarantee that by the end of this 6 hat process, you will solve almost every business (or life) problem more quickly, clearly, and effectively.

Plus, everything looks super pretty and organized with the different colors!

I hope this helps.

If you try this system out, be sure to let me know how it goes :)

And as usual, here is a list of my best blogging resources for you:

1. Just starting out and have not started your blog?

Sign up for my Free "How to Start a Profitable Blog The Right Way (Step-by-Step Training!)" Webinar. Want to start your blog right? Learn how to get started, my top theme recommendations, what plugins to install, how to monetize your new website and much more during this 80-minute webinar! For beginner bloggers & entrepreneurs.

2. Need more traffic and subscribers?

Sign up for my free webinar, "3 Key Strategies Behind How I Gained 10,000 Subscribers In The Past 12 Months". Learn how to grow your traffic & subscribers! I'm way over 20k subscribers now actually - but I'll probably be doing a list cleaning soon when I find the time to do so.

3. Are you ready to go beyond random articles on the net and straight to building your successful blog + biz strategically? Check out my signature courses where you will get my best strategies and in-depth guidance:

Kickstart Your Blog
Traffic Subscribers Yours
Done-For-You Website Kit

4. Looking for my blog + business resource library?

Access my free subscribers-only blog + biz resource library. The password is "dreambig" --- It's chocked full with checklists, templates, worksheets, cheatsheets and more for your blog + biz!

Have a great week ahead. Stay amazing :)

God bless, 


---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Raelyn Tan <>
Date: Wed, Oct 23, 2019 at 7:06 AM
Subject: A new thinking & planning system I've "developed" for my biz that I love...

To: Joaoa <> 
Raelyn :)

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