

Fwd: Earn a million dollars – message 1

---------- Forwarded message --------- From: Jon Silver < > Date: Tue, Feb 2, 2021 at 3:14 PM Subject: Re...

Monday, October 21, 2019

Fwd: [OM2C] Day 1: Your Free Course Is Inside!

Earning a six figure income online isn't that hard.

90% of people don't get there though.


They don't put in the work, or they quit half way.

Over the next couple of days we're going to show you how to earn money online.

It's a simple method, that anyone can do, but you have to do the training to see results.

My name's  João Nathaniell  is the owner of One More Cup of Coffee.

It's great to finally meet you!

You probably, signed up for this course (or membership) hoping to earn money through Amazon.

That's what we're doing to do!

Amazon is just part of the picture though.

The first step in any online business venture is to get a "big picture" view

Your Day 1 training is all about the "big picture":

Learn to crawl then walk before you run, right?

Just real quick, before you start your lesson...

The picture below is of my son and his girlfriend and me (off camera).

So you can put a face to the writing as you go through the training.

We find it's easier to learn stuff if you have a friend teaching you.

For the next 5 days you will receive one email each day.

Inside the email we'll give you an introduction to the topic, then a link to expanded training on our website.

At the end of each day there will be some simple tasks to keep you focused.

Those tasks will show you how to build a website and start getting traffic to it.

If you haven't yet, create your free Wealthy Affiliate account.

Here is what you can expect from each part of the course:

  • Inside these emails: Introduction to the topic
  • On our website: Internet marketing concept lessons
  • WA training: Step-by-step lessons (MUST DO!)

Making money online is possible for everyone.

It's not that hard to do, but it does take a good amount of work, though.

You need to TAKE ACTION and make it happen.

Wealthy Affiliate has been around for about 11 years creating success stories.

(And I have an affiliate () that's been around some 26 years (more on that later))

My life changed forever because I started a simple website back in 2010.

Today can be the day you take your life in a new direction.

So, let's get started.

P.S. Tomorrow we are going to be talking specifics about how we earn money online.

Today is broad concepts, 'the big picture,' tomorrow is the details!

One step at a time...


If you have any questions, just hit reply < 


 > :) .or.

Got questions, concerns, let's chat!? Join me free as my guest (100% FREE) ...

Never an obligation & chat w/ a Mentor Monitor (24/7)...


Links in this email and some other emails I send you may contain affiliate links. That means we earn a commission if you sign up for something. You will learn how to do the same thing in the course. It doesn't affect the price you pay, but it means that we will deliver bonus training and personal support!

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: One More Cup of Coffee <>
Date: Sat, Oct 19, 2019 at 12:14 PM
Subject: [OM2C] Day 1: Your Free Course Is Inside!


3848 McHenry Ave Suite 135 #196
Modesto CA 95356

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