

Fwd: Earn a million dollars – message 1

---------- Forwarded message --------- From: Jon Silver < > Date: Tue, Feb 2, 2021 at 3:14 PM Subject: Re...

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Fwd: [OM2C] Day 5: My Money Templates (PDF)

Today I'm going to hook you up.

Here's my guide called 8 Simple Article Styles To Earn Money Online.

These are the formats I use to rank and earn money online.

ANY article on your website can earn money.

But having a template means you don't have to think too hard.

Just find a keyword, plug in a title, then fill in the blanks.

It's taken my many years to learn this stuff!

I have been running One More Cup of Coffee for 6 years now.

Wealthy Affiliate has been my #1 recommendation the entire time.

Actually, many other products pay much higher commissions.

I make $22.50 per sale of Wealthy Affiliate.

Other companies pay $1,500 or more for each new member.

Why don't I promote them?

Because they are garbage compared to what Wealthy Affiliate offers.

Plain and simple.

What's weird is that the cost of your membership costs less than a pizza.


A large pizza with a side and a drink will cost more than $30.

That's not including tip!

Do You Want A Pizza Or An Education?

Let's be honest.

Everyone has extra money in their budget.

You mean to tell me you haven't been to a restaurant even once this month?

You haven't bought a movie ticket?

Or paid for Netflix and Amazon Prime?

Upgrading to the Premium membership isn't a tough choice.

Would you rather have a pizza dinner or a month of education showing you how to earn $1,000's online?

Would you rather have a Starbucks every day ($2 x $30 = $60)

Or instead have an income-generating online business?

What's even crazier, is that for the tiny price of $19, you also get extra stuff from me.

(Yeah, WA is running a discount where you can get your first month for just $19.)

This stuff is NOT given to all Wealthy Affiliate members.

It's only for my referrals.

  • 1-on-1 support from a former newbie turned expert (me)
  • Personal guidance through tough spots
  • Monthly bonus training
  • Free website reviews at any time!

Paying for the Premium membership was one of the best decisions of my life - no exaggeration.

Starting my business 8 years ago with Wealthy Affiliate has allowed me to work from home, and earn income that I would never I never thought possible.

Thousands of people have become successful online.

The trails have already been blazed for you.

You just have to take action and follow the lessons.

Upgrade to the Premium Membership!


Have a great rest of your day, and shoot me a message if you have any comments or questions!



P.S. Lots of you still haven't upgraded

That's OK. I have a good email for you tomorrow.

If you did upgrade? Fantastic.

Skip tomorrow's email and shoot me a PM with a question.

Stay subscribed though!

PPS. Coming up in a couple days I'll talk about the ugly truth behind "passive income".

(Hint: What people call passive income is rarely passive)

This is a truth-bomb that the most marketers fail to tell you.

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: One More Cup of Coffee <>
Date: Thu, Oct 24, 2019, 12:21 AM
Subject: [OM2C] Day 5: My Money Templates (PDF)
To: <>

Affiliate Marketing Email Course


-- Nathaniell

3848 McHenry Ave Suite 135 #196
Modesto CA 95356

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