

Fwd: Earn a million dollars – message 1

---------- Forwarded message --------- From: Jon Silver < > Date: Tue, Feb 2, 2021 at 3:14 PM Subject: Re...

Thursday, October 17, 2019

RE: Want to be a Digital Nomad?

HELLO! There was no such word combo as a 'digital nomad' when I started working online. 😂 

Now there are so many people living abroad and working from their laptops that it's completely normal.

But how can you do it?

There are many ways. I will list a few:

  • If you work on a computer in an office now, chances are 80% of your work is online. Meaning if you can get someone else to take care of the other 20%, all of your work will be remote. Once that happens, book a plane ticket, pack your bags, and go!
  • Take on a coaching, consulting role in your field of expertise.
  • Shoot photos and/or videos and sell your services to hotels, resorts, weddings, to get started, then big corporate brands as you grow like a boss!
  • Take the skills you have to the people who want it in different locations. Now, this not really a digital nomad, but who cares. If you are a personal trainer, top quality chef, or you are from America and speak English. People will want your skills! For example, there are thousands of Chinese kids that are wanting to learn English and will pay YOU to learn through Skype.
  • Become an influencer and partner with brands. Yes, this is a thing. You have to have a good following, and it's much easier if you have a blog to back up your social media accounts. And a good personal brand. Growing a following and partnering with brands is a big opportunity for those who are willing to put in the work.
  • Learn a new skill, like graphic design or coding and build websites for people.
  • Become a blogger and get revenue from ads and product sales on your blog.
  • Become a YouTuber and get income through views and brand deals.

Unfortunately for me, I didn't have any skills I could carry over to the online world (I was a plumber), so this is what I did.

I built a personal brand. Called myself "World Nate" as I thought it would be easier to remember than Nathan Buchan.

I began to partner with companies and sell products for them. I never contacted the companies personally because I had 0 followers lol. I just joined partner programs they had set up.

Then I used social media to share my travels, sell products, and grow my brand all at the same time.

Now I partner with many different brands and companies and use my blog to earn a living… With the help of social media of course!

If this sounds interesting to you, then you might want to check out a call we did recently. We had maxed over 500 people on, and we apologise if you were one of the ones who couldn't get on.

We recorded it, and you can watch the entire replay right here:

I am sure this will help you get one step closer to becoming a digital nomad.

Maybe someday soon we can coffee and work together in a cafe somewhere… Bali?

Anyway, take an hour and enjoy! You won't regret it 🙂 



---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Nathan | World Nate <>
Date: Wed, Oct 9, 2019 at 11:02 PM
Subject: Want to be a Digital Nomad?

Nathan Buchan, 598 Maunganui Road, Tauranga, Bay of Plenty 3116, New Zealand
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