

Fwd: Earn a million dollars – message 1

---------- Forwarded message --------- From: Jon Silver < > Date: Tue, Feb 2, 2021 at 3:14 PM Subject: Re...

Friday, November 15, 2019

Fwd: Answers to all your Email List Academy Qs!

Oh, hi there!

Want to know who my favorite kinda people to teach are?

The resourceful ones. Peeps who look at a situation and ask all of the questions they need to figure out what to do. Then they do it.

These are the people who usually get the most out of my courses (and life, right?!).

Because even if they don't know what they don't know — they're eager and ready to learn.

I appreciate that they take time to make a decision. Because when they commit, they're all in. And going all in is what it takes to really succeed.

So, it doesn't surprise me if you've got a question or twenty about Email List Academy.

Read on and I'm sure you'll find the answers to your top questions below. :)

1. I'm just starting out. Isn't it too early for me to start building my list?

Absolutely not!

Whether you've been struggling to grow your list for awhile or you're in the beginning stages of your online business journey, ELA is perfect for you.

Email List Academy will help you get a running start with your email list. You could spend 1-2 years treading water and trying to figure out how to grow your list (like I did), OR you could start growing your list ASAP and have a community of people waiting for your content and products in the future. Huzzah!

2. I already have so much to do. Will ELA save me time or add to my overwhelm?

I created this course with you in mind, my friend. Inside Email List Academy I provide a clear schedule that you can use to maximize your time (and results). The entire course is meant to be completed in 90 days (but you can totally finish it sooner too!).

Once you go through this program and implement your email marketing systems, you'll save oodles of time by having everything automated and systemized. (This is the kind of stuff I geek out over!)

3. What if I'm not great with tech? Will I still be able to do all the list-building strategies?

I have TONS of tutorial videos inside Email List Academy that walk you through ALL the tech stuff step-by-step, so you'll feel incredibly confident in what you need to do.

And don't worry -- I only recommend systems that I personally feel are incredibly user-friendly :)

4. How is Email List Academy different from other email marketing programs out there?

Because it's designed to capitalize on YOUR unique personality to help you get the best results.

Most list-building courses out there will give you one path for growth...without taking into consideration your personality, skills, or strengths. Not so in ELA!

Before you start the Email List Academy materials, you'll get to take my proprietary List-Building Personality Quiz to determine your List-Building Personality Type. Then, throughout the course, I'll share specific strategies and tactics to try for YOUR personality type in particular.

It's a totally customized experience, not a one-size-fits-all approach!

5. Do I need to go to ALL of the 12 weekly coaching calls to get results?

No ma'am! The coaching calls are an added bonus to the course so that if you ever have a big question, need advice, or just want to hang out with some other online creators (kind of like a co-working space!), then the calls are available to you to ensure you never feel lost. You won't be missing anything even if you don't make it to a single call, but if you enjoy some hand-holding and extra support, then they're an incredible bonus!

6. I'm not sure these strategies will work for my obscure, non-marketing related niche.

These are my favorite types of niches, and yes, Email List Academy is meant for you. We have had a variety of students in our community from yoga teachers to home bakery owners to dog trainers to spiritual gurus who have created buzzing email lists using my strategies.

It's not really about your niche, it's about having the right strategies in place in your business.

7. I'll probably have to spend tons of money on ads to see results...right?

No way! I teach you organic strategies to grow your email list inside Email List Academy, which means you don't need to stress about running ad campaigns or anything like that.

These strategies have been hands-down the biggest growth opportunities inside my own business. And the best part? They're totally FREE.

8. Do I only have access to ELA for 90 days?

Nope! The program is designed to go through week-by-week over the span of 90 days, but you have LIFETIME ACCESS to all of the course materials. So, if you'd rather start the course next year, then that is totally up to you!

The best part? You can come back to the lessons in this program again and again over the years whenever you have an email marketing question that pops into your head!

9. Could I just find this info for free on Google?

Google is great...but it also has a lot of information (some good and some reaallllly bad). It could take you months to sort through a quick search inside Google, and even then, how do you know that those strategies are working TODAY? Some of those high ranking posts rank high because they've been on the internet a longggg time (not because they are the best strategies to use today). So, I invite you to join Email List Academy that is chock full of proven strategies that work NOW.

And the best part? The course is laid out in an entirely step-by-step, week-by-week manner. So, instead of sifting through zillions of free blog posts and videos, you'll have your entire list-building success plan laid out for you. All YOU have to do is implement it!

I'm here for you, so please let me know if you've got any questions that I haven't answered!

If you're still on the fence about joining ELA, then my team and I would love to chat with you over the phone to answers your questions LIVE.

Just visit this link to book a time to chat and get your questions about ELA answered.

Love always,

P.S. There are only a few days left to join ELA and grow your list by at least 1,000 peeps in the next 90 days.

Get resourceful and join us now! >>>

P.P.S. Not interested in hearing about Email List Academy? No offense taken! Click here and we'll stop talking about it (don't worry, you'll still get my regular emails).



Oh, hi there!

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Melyssa Griffin <>
Date: Fri, Nov 15, 2019 at 11:41 AM
Subject: Answers to all your Email List Academy Qs!
To: <>



The Nectar Collective, LLC 520 Broadway Suite 200 Santa Monica, California 90401 United States

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