

Fwd: Earn a million dollars – message 1

---------- Forwarded message --------- From: Jon Silver < > Date: Tue, Feb 2, 2021 at 3:14 PM Subject: Re...

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Fwd: How to simplify your life and make more money...


You want to have a thriving online business...but there is a LOT going on in your life.

  • Maybe your job is demanding.
  • Maybe the dishes and laundry are piling up.
  • Maybe you have kids running around the house.
  • Maybe you're constantly running from one activity to the next.
  • Maybe you have a thousand notifications on your phone.

It's all a whirlwind and you feel like you're getting nowhere. Your brain is filled to the brim and you're not sure what to do next.

You tell yourself that everything will be okay once business is situated...But you have no idea when that will be. And you're loosing steam. Sound familiar?

Good news! This is totally normal...

BUT - It's time to create a change.

Before you focus on creating an automated business, you need to declutter your LIFE and create space! The clutter can destroy you. It's in your email inbox, on your computer desktop, in your Facebook newsfeed, in your mind, your calendar, and in your home.

Everything is competing for your attention. But you decide who wins.

João, it's so much easier to be successful when you feel successful. And it's pretty hard to feel successful when everything is spiraling out of control. The stress you're experiencing from any clutter in your life, whether you realize it or not, is directly affecting your business. We notice this is especially true for women. So the first step in this process is to simplify your life so that you can feel successful, which will allow you to achieve that success. Make sense?

We are all about creating a business that doesn't just look good on the outside, but feels good on the inside.

One common solution to this problem, is organization. Unfortunately, organization is like a bandaid on a deep wound. You can organize, but things will just become disorganized again. The real purging. It's about actually removing the things from your life that aren't serving you.

What is cluttering up your life? How can you transform the chaos into inspiration? Here are some places to think about:

Your Work Environment

  • Paint a wall
  • Add a bookshelf
  • Rearrange the furniture
  • Clear off your desk
  • Hang up a vision board
  • Buy flowers
  • Sort through your desk drawers

Your Car

  • Get an oil change
  • Vacuum out the crumbs and dirt
  • Clear out the junk from the trunk and backseat
  • Put an air freshener under the floormat
  • Commit to clearing out the car every time you get home

Your Home

  • Sort through your refrigerator and pantry. Clear out old or expired foods. Get rid of the junk food and processed foods.
  • Dig through the kitchen cupboards. Get rid of broken or unused appliances.
  • Purge your closet. Get rid of things that don't make you feel beautiful (or manly).
  • Clean your shower. Throw out empty shampoo bottles and dull razors.
  • Get rid of your kids toys! No reason to constantly trip over toys. Our daughters share one small basket of toys. This is extreme, but it really pushes them into creative play and imagination.

Your Relationships

  • Reconnect with your partner or spouse by planning a thoughtful date.
  • Become unavailable for drama. Unfriend/unfollow people who bring negativity into your newsfeed.
  • Ask yourself, "How can I serve _________ today?"
  • Call a loved one or schedule a coffee date or go golfing with a friend.

Your Time

  • Block off time to do what makes you happy (time outside, a manicure, watching the game, or going out to eat),
  • Block off time for you to sleep at least 8 hours/night. Yes! We know how busy you are but you WILL be more productive when you make sleep a priority.
  • Turn off notifications on your phone, and schedule times to check your email + social media, rather than checking it all day long.
  • START SAYING NO. Cancel things and clear up your calendar.
  • Careful of Netflix! How much time do you really want to spend on TV each day?

Phone and Computer

  • Clean out and organize your email inbox
  • Return voicemails
  • Clean up computer desktop
  • Backup important info to Dropbox or physical hard drive
  • Sync phone and laptop
  • Organize receipts, invoices, etc.
  • Clear up memory on your phone
  • Reorganize apps. Delete the ones you don't use

Delete, unsubscribe, throw away, unfollow and don't stop until the things in your life are pointing you in the direction of your dreams.

Today, we hosted a LIVE TRAINING all about "Creating Space" inside our free, limited-time Facebook group, "November to Remember" (N2R) The replay is available inside! Click here to head into the group.

Over the next couple weeks, we are giving away tons of valuable training inside the group. Here's a peek at the N2R calendar:

Did you notice that we're hosting even THREE Q+A days? This is a big deal for us! We'll directly answer your personal questions, and be fully transparent - ask us anything! Since we rely on automation, we're offline eleven months of the year...and RARELY host any type of live training. We are so excited for the chance to support you this month! If you haven't joined the free group yet, it's not too late!

Cheering you on, 

The Kings

P.S.: Pre-Registration for our Signature Program, Launch 1M is now open. Spots are filling fast, and bonuses (including a custom brand board and direct access to Sarah and Dillon) are first-come first-serve. Learn more here.

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: With the Kings <>
Date: Thu, Nov 7, 2019 at 12:20 PM
Subject: How to simplify your life and make more money...
To: João <>
Unsubscribe | Update your profile | 113 Cherry St #92768, Seattle, WA 98104-2205

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