

Fwd: Earn a million dollars – message 1

---------- Forwarded message --------- From: Jon Silver < > Date: Tue, Feb 2, 2021 at 3:14 PM Subject: Re...

Monday, November 18, 2019

Fwd: It’s not your fault, Joao

Hey! It's not always easy, is it?

...Getting motivated to work on your business when you don't even have time to meal prep or have a meal? (gotta declare a bathroom brake!)

...Not knowing where to start to build your online business?

...Trying to figure out how to monetize your blog or social media following?

(where will I find the money! ideas, money moves?)

...Plotting your escape so you can stop grinding at your soul-sucking 9-5 ( and 1st 13 - 18 mons. of your biz), and start living a free life driven by your unique purpose (and automated biz)?

No, it's not easy. But it's not your fault, either.

We're moving into a new era -- an era where it actually is possible to contribute to society in meaningful and purposeful way by starting your own business and you just may change the world. Don't let the world change your smile, rather let you smile change the world.

Yet...a lot of the world is still clinging to the old ways of being.

You know, that 9-5 o'clock-in and clock-out lifestyle.

...The sort of life where you're not lit up by the work you're doing. Where you repeat the same tasks over and over again, and expect different results after day, with two 15 minute coffee breaks and a half-hour lunch.

...Where you stick with one career forever for forty years of "security" while you struggle to pay your mortgage — or even qualify for one. It's also difficult to finance 80 years of living on 40 years of paid work.

Nope, it's not your fault that you might be in a rut... feeling frustrated and stuck...

...But it is your responsibility to step up and make the change. It's your responsibility to stop shutting down your imagination and start dreaming BIG. Believe BIG. Ask BIG. Receive BIG and LIVE LARGE!

It's your responsibility to stop giving into self-limiting beliefs.

Beliefs like:

..."I don't have time to grow my email list and business,"

  ..."I don't have time to grow my followers, (fans & friends) and business,"  


..."I don't need to start building my audience until I have something to sell to them,"


..."I just don't know where to start"

..." where do I find the money"

..." the ideas, required"

It's your responsibility to let go of the stories that are keeping you small — because I've got the tools to propel you forward in your life's purpose, passion and desires. And I'm so ready to share them with you.

Just like I shared them with my Email List Academy student, Jorden, who is now enjoying double digit list growth because of my list building strategies. Every.Single.Day.

"I get around ~10 to 30 subscribers every day. I've even had some days where 50+ people have subscribed! The best part is that it hasn't required a ridiculous amount of effort on my part. I just post new content on my blog about once a week and use the strategies & tactics in the course, and it works like a charm!"

Shortly after you join my Email List Academy you'll have the step-by-step system, tools, and resources that I used to grow a  list in grand scale, from nothin' to over 200,000 +  subscribers...

You'll have an engaged, excited, and invested audience of rabid fans, friends & followers who love what you're doing, what you stand for, and who you are...

And you'll feel so much more secure in your ability to offer them the valuable coaching, teachings, services, and products etc that they're craving.

I KNOW you've got this, Friend. Because you've got the drive, the passion, and the work ethic to make it happen.

You're resourceful and committed to your vision. You weren't meant to sit at an unfulfilling day job accepting a bribe to let 'em die while your dream gathers dust and withers in the corners of your mind.

All you need is a little bit of guidance along the way.

...some courage, protection, strength and guidance...

And there's nothing I would love more than to walk beside you, holding your hand, while we watch your business expand scale up and evolve at a rapid rate. :)

So why don't you take that baby step, commit to yourself, and invest in your growth by signing up for the Email List Academy today?

What have you got to lose? ( Remember, you're backed by my 14 day money-back guarantee, so your purchase is totally risk-free. )

I can't wait to support you in building the biz of your dreams. <3

All my love to you, ONE Love!

João  & JoAn

P.S. We've got T-minus 3 days 'til your chance to join ELA disappears at current price. Don't procrastinate on this one, friend! Get into Email List Academy while there's still time >>>

Don't forget, when you enroll in Email List Academy, you're not JUST getting the online course. You're actually getting $3,966 in extra BONUSES too (as my gift to you!).

Those bonuses include...

  • 12 Weeks of LIVE Group Coaching with Melyssa Griffin ($2997 Value): This one is BIG. Every week for 12 whole weeks you're invited to jump on a call with me and your fellow list builders to ask questions, get feedback, stay accountable, and soak up enough email marketing wisdom and inspiration to last you a lifetime. (Just so that the value of this really sinks in, it costs $25k/year to work with me in my group coaching programs...but you're getting live coaching with me for free as a bonus just for joining ELA. Insane!)
  • Copywriting Your Way to 6-Figures Masterclass ($297 Value): Great copywriting is the best way to convert subscribers to sales (and to even get people on your email list in the first place — helloooo savvy opt-in forms!). And what you'll learn in this bonus workshop with copywriter extraordinaire, Jamie Jensen, will serve you throughout your whole business, not only your email marketing.
  • How to Explode Your Email List with Free Publicity Masterclass ($297 Value): In this bonus workshop with publicity expert, Susie Moore, you'll get the strategies and inspiration you need in order to create consistent visibility, a constant influx of new and engaged subscribers, increased sales, brag-worthy brands to add to the 'as seen on' section of your website, and so much more.
  • Attract Your Ideal Audience Workbook ($49 Value): This'll help you figure out who your target subscribers and customers are and exactly and where to find them.
  • 30 Days of ConvertKit for Free ($29 Value): Because I want you to have access to the easiest email marketing platform out there — with the most advanced features. (Yep, Email List Academy will include ALL the tech tutorials you need to get your email list rockin' and rollin' too!).
  • Private Email List Academy Facebook Group ($297 Value): Get instant access to the private FB group and connect with myself and like-minded list builders to get the support, feedback, encouragement, and inspiration you need to grow your list like never before.

P.P.S. Not interested in hearing about Email List Academy? No offense taken! Click here and we'll stop talking about it (don't worry, you'll still get my regular emails).

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Melyssa Griffin <>
Date: Mon, Nov 18, 2019 at 11:41 AM
Subject: It's not your fault, Joao


  ~ Melyssa  


The Nectar Collective, LLC 520 Broadway Suite 200 Santa Monica, California 90401 United States

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