

Fwd: Earn a million dollars – message 1

---------- Forwarded message --------- From: Jon Silver < > Date: Tue, Feb 2, 2021 at 3:14 PM Subject: Re...

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Fwd: Let's Talk 💬

WalletWin Logo

Hey! We've been virtual high-fiving and fist-bumping new WalletWinners coming through the door, and we haven't seen you yet! Why? Pray tell...

And honesty, I don't want you missing out on creating a plan that gets you the financial results you've always wanted. Freedom,  Freedom +,  Freedom, Premium...

A plan that gives you a ton of freedom, fires you up, and has a step-by-step path to follow so you never have to worry about money again.

And I really don't want you to miss the SWEET welcome video we shot for new WalletWin members....

....Jon may or may not have been in a 'coconut bra.' ðŸ˜³

Listen, to what people were saying who enrolled DURING the webinar!

I'm guessing that before you join WalletWin there's a few lingering questions in the back of your mind.

Amiright? Allright!!


Because a common trait of all successful people is having the guts to ask the questions. If you don't ask, you don't get...

(Another trait of successful people is the ability to discern expenses from investments...reality from fairy-tales and to spend most of their time, money, and energy in the latter (Longterm Investments), as they know those are what separate them from the rest of the pack chasing immediate gratification)

'Till then, I've included the top Q&As we're getting below…

"I've got a ton of debt but I'm scared that paying it off fast will leave me hating my life..." ~ Is the Life After Debt?

WalletWin's got you covered.

We have an exclusive bonus called Debt Free Without Deprivation.

And here's what we found…

You don't have to spend the big bucks to have a rich, full, and fun life.

( It's NOT all about money! If you live for money, it's time to get a life. There's more to life ... for more moneyEverything has a price, but not everything should be for sale.

Money isn't everything you need to live a happy life. Pause and think about what ... This young generation, more famously known as the Generation Y, thinks not.  

Money is not a purpose or a purpose of life, in and of itself. Money is a foundation that enables security and opportunity in all of the areas of life that you care most ... see for yourself...

145 answers
Oct 16, 2019 - What is the importance of money in one's life? Can money solve most, if not all, problems in life? 501,393 Views · Does money really buy happiness? 2,045,916 ...

) You want freedom to live and enjoy life at your own terms!! )

Contentment, joy, and happiness don't have price tags on them.

We're masters at helping people get creative at filling their life with incredible experiences without sabotaging their financial goals or blowing up the bank account.

"Does this work for normal people? I am pretty sure you guys are Unicorns..."

Fair question. You want to make sure what we teach applies to your unique situation.

We have hundreds of people working through WalletWin and each of their situations are different....yet they're getting results!

Karissa, a single mom of three and teacher, paid off $38,000 in a year!

Hannah, a new college grad paid off $15,000 in six months while working for a non-for-profit!

Liz and Paolo paid off $18,000 in credit card debt, $16,000 in student loan debt, AND paid the car off in under a year, while living in SanFran!

Bill joined WalletWin and in his FIRST MONTH, paid off 4 of his debts...ten months later he was completely debt-free. There's, life after debt!!

We're not unicorns...WalletWin works and it can work for you too.

"There's so much free content already, why would someone pay for it?," "We pay your way so you don't have to!" ;-) ;-) or "I've already read a book about money...already!"

I have a question to    you walk to work or take your Lunch?  You COULD make lunch at home - or you could grab something from the sandwich shop by the office.

Why? After all, it would be less expensive to make it at home. Sure, but that would depend on on how much your time is worth, right? Wouldn't it?

Because you want convenience. Okay! But...

Free content is messy, confusing, and takes time to piece together...leaving you paying interest longer (translate: more lost money) and having to backtrack when you make the inevitable mistake (translate: lost time AND money!) Ask the question is the decision, reversible? No!?

Inside WalletWin we've got everything packaged in a convenient, easy-to-consume way. It's a ONE-STOP, Shop!!

Listen, time is not on your side when it comes to money. You need to get started like yesterday....but if you didn't? That's OK. Start today, we'll make up for it.

Ask yourself this - if you could get content for free or read a book and change your life....why haven't you? why wouldn't you? what do you have to loose!?

Content doesn't get results....content INSIDE of a group or better still a community with like-minded people and access to relate-able teachers, life coaches and counselors, does.

"I don't have the money..."

Inside WalletWin, you will not only learn how to manage your money but you will learn dozens of ways to cut costs, inefficient expenses AND make extra income (with side hustles).

Might feel counterproductive or counter-intuitive but sometimes the path to MORE money tomorrow is by spending a small amount gaining education, tools, and resources, etc. ... today.

Rich Dad, Poor Dad says, "Poor people put their money into things going down in value and rich people put their money into things going up in value." 

( Then they buy assets once they have an income to pay for it... they usually have at least seven (7) income streams: 

    • Earned Income. Earned Income is the money that you earn by doing something or by spending your time e.g. the money that you make in your job, the salary you get by working for someone else. ...
    • Profit Income. ...
    • Interest Income. ...
    • Dividend Income. ...
    • Rental Income. ...
    • Capital Gains. ...
    • Royalty Income.

7 Income Streams of most millionaires - LinkedIn › pulse › 7-income-streams-most-millionaires-man...

WalletWin is one of those that will only go UP in value for you as you work through the course.

This isn't a mug from Target or a Taco Bell drive-thru.

If you want financial freedom, you can find the money.

Bottom line - if you can't make back your initial investment in the course in a very short time...that's on us.

We designed it so it's a no-risk, all reward investment for you.

"I don't have the time..."

Wouldn't it be nice to have extra time? (Can you even imagine what that feels like?)

( You can spend it traveling or spend more time with friends and family! )

That's what I WANT you to have.

But you're not going to get there by doing what you're doing.

"Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results." ... A Einstein 

Creating financial freedom is what will give you the gift of time back.

Each WalletWin module has quick-to-watch actionable videos. Quickly learn what you need, so you can take action right away. That is the difference bet. being wealthy vs. rich.

Maybe you are in a super busy life happens.

You can snag the course and go at your own pace, in you're own time and space.

There's no "behind" so just keep getting in there an hour here and there and you're off to the races.

Remember, an object in motion tends to stay in motion so just enrolling can get you the momentum you need to just. get. started. Just do it!

Well, that wraps up the most asked questions!

We're getting down to the wire...11:59 PM Pacific comes FAST! (if you're in the east coast 3x faster)

If you're ready to ditch debt, build wealth, and change the world through generosity, enroll in WalletWin, now and let's get going.

See you tonight!


Jon & JoAn  

PS. When you enroll, you can dive straight into the welcome module, where you'll learn about everything coming your way in the next couple of months.

There are also a few bonuses and benes ...are unlocked for you to get into straight away as well, so you'll be off to the races earning a ROI - return on your investment in no time!

With our 14-day Money Back Guarantee, this is a no-brainer. You've literally got nothing to lose and everything to gain. IT's Guaranteed! Your Money Back!

Let's do this already.

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Jonathan & Amanda Teixeira <>
Date: Wed, Nov 13, 2019 at 10:16 AM
Subject: Let's Talk 💬

~ Jonathan and Amanda
Unsubscribe | 113 Cherry St #92768, Seattle, WA 98104

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