

Fwd: Earn a million dollars – message 1

---------- Forwarded message --------- From: Jon Silver < > Date: Tue, Feb 2, 2021 at 3:14 PM Subject: Re...

Monday, November 25, 2019

Fwd: M$$M On Forbes! (with side hustle advice you need to see)

RE: So if you like money, and want more of it, check it out...

Go here to read his first article for Forbes about side hustles.

Ranked list


Allow us to share a story on this beautiful Monday morning:

Once upon a time in a land far-ish away, there was a former band director, 'wanna be rockstar' etc... .

Now this person knew that he wouldn't be a band director for the rest of his life after his first week of teaching/ engineering.

Why, you ask?

Well... in week one, a Freshman student stood up during the middle of class and literally ran away. He actually left the freaking building.

There was no rhyme or reason for this daring sprint from authority.

This student just... did it... no explanation a veritable runaway...

And slowly, this teacher cum engimaneer realized that he was putting his entire career into the hands of children who didn't have fully-formed frontal lobes, yet. (sorry kids)

His well-being and ability to provide for a future for his family literally relied on middle school or high school students making well-thought-out decisions in real time. We did My Fair Lady that year (concert version)...

And to his surprise... they do not do that. Never. Ever.

So, eventually after the child was found, to sir with love, decided he would one day work for himself.

But... he didn't know what he wanted to do.

In college, he unsuccessfully attempted to start a brewery then a restaurant with some one else creating the craft beer who had a brewery. That failed quickly due to lack of capital and beer-making skills on his part so he changed tactics as suggested or allude to. He bought a couple cars, sold them, bought a house sold that and started the restaurant with proceeds, yes the 'American Dream,' is alive after all...So that was/ may not have been an option.

Then, the first summer of his teaching career, the teacher attempted life as a swimming pool cleaner.

He quickly realized he was not made for work outside in the heat and blazing sun ...due to fragility (he was in band and was an artist as a young man, not sports).

So after much more trial and error, he finally settled on... let's see artist, psychologist, computer nerd... ah yes, ... blogger (one has at least avg. six(6) careers in life, I had three (3)). The most obscure profession of them all.

And in the beginning of this blog project ( codenamed M$$M -  'bout Millennial Money 'Millennial Money Man' ), the signs of success looked bleak.

He managed to earn a measly $3 via Google ad words on the website after nearly six months of hard work writing about money and was hooked.

But you see...

Teacher, had a secret weapon at his disposal:

'Lack of fear of failure, due to not knowing any better.'

So he quit his band director 'wanna be rockstar' job, and started to run M$$M full-time.

After some time, he gained traction. He was featured in MSN/CNBC and other media outlets for his student loan payoff story ($50k in 18 months on a meager teacher's salary).

He started to actually make money.

His private group, social media presence, and email list started to grow and swell. That was swell...

And now, less than five years later, he's is now writing for a living.

Specifically, today he wrote about the benefits of starting your own side hustle, complete with fancy compound interest graphs and such.

So if you like money, and want more of it, check it out...

Go here to read his first article for Forbes about side hustles.

João (Johnny)

P.S. - It helps me quite a bit if you share the article, so please do that.

Just wanted to let you know that Pinterest Virtual Assistant course is closing in a couple of hours.

At midnight tonight, Gina and Kristin are shutting the doors.

If you want in, then make sure you join now while you can. Otherwise, it will be a while before they reopen for new members.

This is the last time I'll be emailing you about this… I know I've sent a lot recently!

Here's where you can join (hope you see this before midnight, when it closes):

Join "Become A Pinterest VA Today!"




It's decision time.

If you've been thinking about this for awhile, it's time to hop off the fence.

All it takes is one leap of faith for you to become a success story for PVA, just like the others I've shared with you the past few days. This is real, it works, and you can do this.

Click here to become a Pinterest VA

P.P.P.S. - Seriously, the kid just got up and sprinted out of the band hall through the emergency exit doors. It made no sense. He was found walking around campus, in a daze and never gave a reason for sprinting. Upon speaking to his mother about it, I found that apparently this is just something he did randomly. The Runaway ... What a time to be alive.  

Want to join over 1,000 M$M readers and make an extra $1,000 - $2,000/month on the side from home? Learn more about the FB Side Hustle Course here.

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Millennial Money Man <>
Date: Mon, Nov 25, 2019 at 11:29 AM
Subject: On Forbes! (with side hustle advice you need to see)
To: <>
Update your profile | Unsubscribe | 1814 E Main St, League City, TX 77573

This email may contain affiliate links (gotta make that paper boo boo). All opinions are 100,000% my own.

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