

Fwd: Earn a million dollars – message 1

---------- Forwarded message --------- From: Jon Silver < > Date: Tue, Feb 2, 2021 at 3:14 PM Subject: Re...

Sunday, December 29, 2019

Fwd: Get ranked in Google? Ya right.


What's happening, Tsup!?

Today I want to chat about the elusive idea of "Google Rankings".

For too many folks, getting ranked in Google seems like some IMPOSSIBLE feat.  They believe they have a better chance of seeing a cow fly while playing a violin, then they will getting a first page ranking in Google.

Some people just don't believe it is real.

Be honest, do you fall into this category?

If so, we need to have a little chat and I want to prove to you how YOU, yes YOU, can get 1st page rankings in Google and will be able to do so in the next couple of weeks here if you are willing to do a few things.


OK, cool.

First off, it is not rocket science. I am sorry I'm the 'rocket scientist!' It's NOT Brain Surgery! People get so wrapped up into what Google thinks and how Google's internal "ranking brain" is thinking at any given moment, but in actuality it really does come down to one thing. AND things are different now with voice based, searches.

Quality of Content.

If you can create content that a "reader" would enjoy, then you are going to get ranked.  It doesn't matter what Google thinks because this is the content they are "chasing" after and this is the content that they boost in rankings every time the do a Google Panda, Pudgy Penguin Prodigy or now,  their "real time" algorithm updates.

What are the websites that Google doesn't like?

The sites that are doing things to try to trick them into thinking their content is quality.  Backlinks, spinning, guest blogging, dupe content, PLR....there are lots of things that people are doing that adversely affect their rankings because it simply is not natural.

These are called "black hat' techniques, and typically these will work for a few months to a year,  then Google catches on and kills all the "black hatters" businesses. 

If you are doing these things, please stop.  You have been ill advised in the past and you are heading in the wrong direction.

On the other side of the spectrum, there are "white hat" marketers.  They ranked 10 years ago, and they will rank 10 years from now because they are building their content for Google (and Google will continue to chase their content).

This is the approach we teach at Wealthy Affiliate and there are only FOUR things you need to get RANKED! 

(1) Domains. 

A domain will improve your search rankings, in particular if you have a .com or a .org domain.  I don't recommend buying a domain that are not one of those (.com's are the best). 

You can host up to 25 websites on your own domains with a SILVER / Platinum/  VIP .or. Premium Membership, all hosted on our unparalleled Managed Wordpress hosting platform.  This also includes website monitoring, website security, website speed boosts, 24/7 website support, and unlimited access to our one-click install website builder.  

We'll take care of it, join us free (100% FREE) as my guest, have a question or concern, need a 2nd opinion? Let's chat! ( 24/7, 365.46:48 )  

...then Update/upgrade 

Included in your SILVER/ Platinum Membership Upgrade: (Offer Expires Midnight: 05-Mar-20)

* Free 12 Upgraded Lifetime Memberships in 12 Traffic Centers... we pay your way so you don't have to...

* Free MO' Money Launch programme:

  • Ruby Solo Blaster Package - 5 Solo Ads to over 135,000.
    Use them anytime for any program. Value: $37
  • Traffic Blaster Pack Unlimited - 365 days of UNLIMITED Traffic to any URL. NO LIMITS! Value: $39. See featured video of concept ( FREE Training,  $5,000+ Value )
  • (18.408 + MM Customer Sessions, 7.107,405 + MM Views To Date)

(2) Understand Keywords & SEO. 

Plain and simple.  If you understand how to find low competition keywords within your respective niche, you will open the door to unlimited traffic.  Finding low competition keywords is like clockwork when you know what you are doing and this is what you learn within the training at WA.

You get access to an entire Keyword/Niche Research classroom within premium and unlimited access to the WA keyword tool. There is also an amazing amount of SEO training within WA Premium, 100's of tutorials and hours of live video classes.  You want to be an expert at this stuff, WA Premium is your place to be.

You ideally want your keywords to have less than 200 QSR (competition) and there are billions of keywords out there across every niche that fit this criteria. 

(3) Create quality content,  with consistency.

Content is KING, right?  Wrong.  This statement has become all too cliche in the industry these days.  Creating a successful business does not require you to be a writer or an author, it requires to you be able to create QUALITY communicative content in your niche.   Content that focuses on engaging the reader.  The reader is the one that will earn you revenue (and they need to trust you first), never lose site of this.

As a Premium member of Wealthy Affiliate, you are going to quickly become a content expert and have full access to a great deal of copywriting training, as well as FULL access to SiteContent, the ultimate content creation/management platform.   

There is a good deal of video and live class training on the subject along with MANY content marketing experts within the community.

(4) Authority (which happens with time).

If you have ever heard about my path to success, you will realize that it didn't happen in a week, a month...not even in a few months.  It took me 3 months working at this before I made my first dime.  That is normal and that is the process of getting your business up and running.

If you don't have the time to become successful, then it simply won't happen.  What I can tell you is that at Wealthy Affiliate, we have the time and patience to help you reach any level of success that you want in terms of rankings, traffic, and conversions.

And you will start to see your website getting indexed and rankings within your first few weeks of going through this process.  That is exciting and that is the "stepping stone" to much bigger things. 


Here is a bit of perspective.  In the Bootcamp training, I started a website completely from scratch and within 4 months and some part time work, I create a full time business with a website that gets over 1,300 clicks per day (for free) by getting ranked and indexed in Google.

With the core training at Wealthy Affiliate, you get to look over my shoulder and see exactly how to rank, how to climb up the ranks in Google, and how to get Google to ABSOLUTELY love your website.  :)

So I guess I want to leave you today by saying that you, yes YOU, have everything you need to get all the rankings you want within Google with a Premium membership at Wealthy Affiliate.  You will have a competitive advantage over the rest of the industry by being a member or the thriving community at Wealthy Affiliate.

Join Premium and Become an Expert in Google Traffic! (only, $19 first month)

Have a wonderful day and happy rankings!

Happy New Year!

¡Feliz año 2020!   

João & JoAn
Wealthy Affiliate

PS.  If you do a search inside of WA, you will see there are 1,000's of stories from fellow members about getting indexed and ranked.  Plain and simple,  the training at WA works!

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Kyle @ Wealthy Affiliate <>
Date: Sat, Dec 28, 2019 at 9:00 AM
Subject: Get ranked in Google? Ya right.
To: Joao Silva <>

Co-founder of Wealthy Affiliate

PS.  If you do a search inside of WA, you will see there are 1,000's of stories from fellow members about getting indexed and ranked.  Plain and simple,  the training at WA works!

Kyle Carson

Follow Kyle and Carson on Instagram











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