

Fwd: Earn a million dollars – message 1

---------- Forwarded message --------- From: Jon Silver < > Date: Tue, Feb 2, 2021 at 3:14 PM Subject: Re...

Friday, December 13, 2019

RE: i365 Story Prompts are YOURS! 🔓

RE:  i365 Story Prompts are YOURS! 🔓


We went to bed like it was Thanksgiving night...

And we woke up like it was Christmas morning...

→ Filled to the brim with gratitude and wine, and *uber* pumped to get Story Vault 365 in your hands today.

We launched this brand new product to the waitlist of ~111 people the other day and wow... <get ready for some stats>.

62+ clicks... 29+ purchases, at onset or inception.

That's a 47%, sales conversion!

Never in my digital-marketing life have I seen this kind of conversions before.

Granted, the sales page went to my warmest audience and I don't expect a 47% landing page conversion to last, but wow. Thanks!

WE're excited you're excited.

So without further ado, meet Story Vault i365:


We know it's not technically a "gift" per, se, since it's a paid product, in quai-beta test mode, but I've already received messages like these:

The mouse hovered over the "edit price" button last night, and my girlfriend said, "Don't do it."

SHE's right.

WE've kept the price insanely low, just for you.

We don't know how long we'll keep it at this price, so if you're needing i365 Instagram Story prompts to set you up for success in 2020...

Click On Over To This Page >>

As we said to  wait-list members the other night, it's a crazy time of the year. i.e.: 🎅🎄🎁 etc. Happy Holidays!

And we realize we're *all* trying to offload things from our overflowing plates.

That's why we're releasing Story Vault i365 now – in December – arguably the busiest month of the year.

We truly hope you find Story Vault i365 to be a welcome tool in your business.

It's the result of about 6 months of planning, brainstorming, asking, surveying and researching etc. Now, soft Launch (split testing) and officially Launching...

(And we're especially in love with this product because the students essentially co-created it with us – from the concept to the name and soft Launch!!  👯 👯👯  )

Our goal and objective, with Story Vault i365 is *not* to create yet, another digital product that collects dust.

The goal and objective, is always to make your life easier.


And wayyyy more intentional when it comes to your time spent on social media like IG/fb or Pinterest etc.

I hope you love Story Vault i365 as much as we do. 🙏

My thanks in advance for your time and attention.


João & JoAn

P.S. In less than 24 hours of being released, these are the sample reviews of Story Vault i365 we're getting:



---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Elise Darma <>
Date: Fri, Dec 13, 2019 at 10:30 AM
Subject: 365 story prompts are YOURS! 🔓
To: João <>

~ Elise 

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10 Dundas St E, Toronto, ON M5B 1R7

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