

Fwd: Earn a million dollars – message 1

---------- Forwarded message --------- From: Jon Silver < > Date: Tue, Feb 2, 2021 at 3:14 PM Subject: Re...

Friday, March 13, 2020

Fwd: Coronavirus and money: Here's what to do (and not do)


Welp. Here we are. Things got weird.

And truth be told, we're probably in for a very interesting (and potentially scary) couple of weeks, or even months.

I was debating if I was going to write an email about this event, because truth be told, the last thing I wanted to do was freak tens of thousands of people out.

But at times like this, it's my job to lead my M$M flock. Can't hide from the homies. You need me as much as I need you.

So here are my thoughts on this whole thing, and what you should do to stay sane while all of this unfolds:

1. Stop looking at your phone/ computer so much

YES. It's important to stay informed on what is going on.

And YES... I know you probably have an itch to Google the heck out of Coronavirus whenever possible.

Quite honestly, I spent a lot of time on the internet yesterday reading articles from various sources.

"Coronavirus USA"

"Coronavirus China"



You name it, and I was looking it up.

And it started as just a search for information.

But you know what happened? After consuming terrifying headline after terrifying headline, I started to feel myself become worried.

It felt like the world was literally going to explode, and I had a front row seat.

But here's what I remembered:

1. Media outlets need your clicks. They NEED your fear. It's part of their business model.

Those scary headlines might have some truth to them, but do not for one second believe that they haven't been optimized to make you so worried that you have to keep reading more and more articles.

My advice (and what I did today) to not worry so much about all of this is to consume less content. I am fighting my urge to look at online news outlets.

I promise you will feel less panicked if you avoid the clickbait.

2. Stick to your investing plan

Yeah, the market is bad right now. And yes, this is the first time many of us have ever seen something like this.

We were told all along that it would happen by the old people (kidding boomers sorry sorry) - we KNEW this day would come. But it still felt like the market could do nothing but go up and up as it has for our entire adult lives.

Well... surprise! It did what we were told it would do. There's a lot of red.

But if you know that you were in this for the long haul, and you've been investing with the thought of never touching that money for the next 30 years...

... well don't freaking touch it. 30 years from now, your old butt might not even remember what this virus was called because your memory will be so bad.

But you'll definitely be happy that you didn't panic sell.

I personally deleted the stock app and my investment broker app from my phone.

I know I'm not doing anything anyway, so why look at it and feel bad?

The reality is that this will eventually turn into a great opportunity to build wealth for us. Be patient and stick to your plan.

3. Spend some time to be grateful

It would be so easy to get trapped in a "woe is me, why is this happening right now?" mindset.

But I suggest that you take a moment and think about what is good in your life.

Maybe you're blessed to have an incredible spouse.

Maybe you have the best looking doggo in the world.

It could be that you're so lucky to have children.

Whatever it is that makes you happy in life - lean on that, because at the end of the day it's really all that matters.

4. Wash your damn hands.

I'm not going to lie - I suck at this and touch my face a lot. But I'm doing my best to be a hygiene-focused human for the first time in my life.

Please join me in that effort.

5. Buy a reasonable amount of toilet paper.

I mean come on now. Leave some for the rest of us. When this is all behind us, we're all going to start shaking hands again. That's why in FL they bump fists!

Think about that. Just think about it. ( some folks use water )

6. If you have to work from home, here are some tips from a guy that works at home full-time:

You're going to have way more time on your hands. Take that opportunity to learn a new skill.

- Read some books you've wanted to read.

- Bask in the glory of not having to wear pants (it's incredible).

- Start that side hustle that you've been avoiding.

- Enjoy time with your family.

Working from home can be a little more boring than you think, but it's also pretty cool.

I mean I've basically been quarantined since I started M$M 5 years ago, and I'm fine.

Sure, I'm a little weirder than I used to be due to the isolation, but I make it work.

In summary...

I mean honestly this list could go on and on, but basically it could be summed up by saying this:

Try to look at this as an opportunity rather than the end of the world.

We're going to get through this. I'm going to send you a crapload of funny emails if we have to stay in our homes at some point.

I will entertain you through whatever happens.

And we'll come out on the other side stronger, happier, and closer.

That's my hope anyway, and I'd love it if was yours too.

If there's something you want to learn about, whether it's ways to make money from home, budgeting tools to dial in your finances for the next few weeks, or anything else money related - just hit reply and let me know.

I'm here for you. Let's get through this thing together.

With passionate love but not in a weird way,

- Johnny

Here are some other ways I can help you:

- Need an affordable binder to store all of your important information in the event of an emergency? (VERY popular with M$M readers!) Go Here and Grab the Emergency Budget Binder

- Want to join over 1,000 M$M readers and make an extra $1,000 - $2,000/month on the side from home? Learn more about the FB Side Hustle Course here.

- Want to start a profitable blog? You'll get exclusive pricing and a free domain name when you start through M$M. Go Here to Start Your Blog Today.

Here are some other ways I can help you:

- Want to join over 1,000 M$M readers and make an extra $1,000 - $2,000/month on the side from home? Learn more about the FB Side Hustle Course here.

- Want to start a profitable blog? You'll get exclusive pricing and a free domain name when you start through M$M. Go Here to Start Your Blog Today.

- Need an affordable binder to store all of your important information in the event of an emergency? (VERY popular with M$M readers!) Go Here and Grab the Emergency Budget Binder

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Millennial Money Man <>
Date: Thu, Mar 12, 2020 at 1:44 PM
Subject: Coronavirus and money: Here's what to do (and not do)
To: <>
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This email may contain affiliate links. All opinions are 100,000% my own.

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