

Fwd: Earn a million dollars – message 1

---------- Forwarded message --------- From: Jon Silver < > Date: Tue, Feb 2, 2021 at 3:14 PM Subject: Re...

Monday, March 16, 2020

Fwd: From Google and duct tape to $3k boom.


I wonder if you have been through this before. (SARS 2002-04)

I got a message from a client a few days ago telling me how she felt that this was the first time she felt she wasn't using duct tape, IG/ fb and Google to build her business.

She had invested a ton of money in her business and done a lot of programs, and yet, she still felt she was bringing together or duct tapping together bits and pieces to figure out what to do.

She was frustrated and tired of feeling this way.

And it made me think.. I wondered if you have been through this too.

Trying to get resourceful and figure everything out on your own. Building your business with a bit of this and some of that ....this and that ... while watching your bank account either go down or go nowhere.

Sure, doing SOME work.

But, the right work?

Definitely not.

A few days later, this same client sent me a message telling me how excited she was - she had just quit her full-time job and went on to land her first of many $3K client.

$3K! For a TO-GET-HER Dating Coach for women! She's well on her way to hitting her own $10K months. Without burnout, without duct tape and without feeling lost in the woods.

I know that this might seem impossible to you right now.

Maybe you don't even have an audience right now - which makes it sound crazier.

But what if I could guide you to - not only build an audience from scratch, but also build a business where signing a $3K client and hitting $10K in your business is normal?

Would you like that?

It really is about making a decision - just ask yourself, what will my life look like?

Because when I made a decision I jumped from making $46K to $350K in one year (this year I'm on my way to hitting $500K)

Now, maybe you won't do $350K in the next 12 months (although you totally could)

But what if you made $150K?

How would that change your life? Your family? Your purpose?

As long as you are good at what you do and are committed to transforming your life, I can help you do it.

But it takes both of us...

I know a lot of people will still decide to do it on their own, and what will happen is what happened to my client before - that feeling of just being SO. FREAKING. LOST>

But if that's not what you want to do and you actually want Someone by your side guiding you through out it all, and tell you what you need step-by-step...

And you know you have what it takes, but you just need the RIGHT steps to take you there

I can help you make it happen.

Just book a call with me and my team and we will tell you what you need to have in place. We'll look at your business right now - whether you are starting out or not - and we'll create a custom-made plan to helping you achieve your goals.

Can't wait to talk to you soon,

Con amor,


---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Fabi Paolini <>
Date: Mon, Mar 16, 2020 at 11:26 AM
Subject: From Google and duct tape to $3k boom.
To: João <>

Hola João,


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