

Fwd: Earn a million dollars – message 1

---------- Forwarded message --------- From: Jon Silver < > Date: Tue, Feb 2, 2021 at 3:14 PM Subject: Re...

Thursday, March 12, 2020

Fwd: little-known study reveals the key to producing consistent gains in life...



Could your grampa get stronger than a 25-year-old guy in his prime?

Experience PRIME Performance and Living!

Live, simply! Laugh, often! Love, deeply!

Leave a Legacy!


Well, researchers in the Netherlands decided to find that out.


And here's what they did...


They took a group of elderly men, and put them on a weight training program for 6 months.


It wasn't the most intense program in the world. But it was very consistent, and all the elderly men kept the workout routine.


The result?


These elderly men (up to 79 years old) gained almost 3 pounds of muscle.


Not bad right?


Then the researchers moved to the second part of their evil plan...


Next, they took a group of healthy guys in their early twenties, and made them lie in bed for an entire week straight.


No weights. No exercise. Not even walking.


And do you know what happened?  


In just ONE single week these young guys lost 3 pounds of muscle…


Now, that may be surprising to some people.


And others might not be surprised by it at all.


The point is. What these older men took 6 months to work for - these 25 year olds lost in just one week.


And I believe it's the same in life and business.


Consistency Is King


One of the researchers put it best:


"You can mess up a lot more in one week than you can improve in six months of training."


And that's the problem.


So many people work hard for months and months - only to blow it all and end up where they started...


That's why I never rely on my own discipline.


And you shouldn't either.


It's too risky!


Can you imagine pushing yourself every day to wake up early and go to the gym?


Even when it's raining?


Even when you're exhausted?


Even when you don't want to go?


I can't. I don't have that kind of self-discipline.


And I don't know many people who do...


So when it comes to keeping consistent I don't rely on discipline, I rely on:




Think back to those frail seniors lifting weights...


Did they rely on their own self discipline? Or did they follow a program created by the researchers?


They followed the program.


And did they rely on their own motivation? Or did the researchers hold them accountable everyday?


The researchers held them accountable.


So now you have it.


If you want to stay consistent, you'll need:

  1. A Structured Program

  2. A Group To Hold You Accountable

Talk soon.

João  Silva 

The Asian Dragon Warrior

P.S. For those that are serious about consistently increasing their income…

And for those who are looking for a community of top-level business professionals that hold each other accountable... 

Click on the link here and see why over 6000+ men and women from over 150+ countries became accredited High-Ticket Closers® — one of the world's most prestigious, exciting, and profitable professions.







---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Dan Lok <>
Date: Mon, Mar 2, 2020 at 12:48 PM
Subject: little-known study reveals the key to producing consistent gains in life...

To: <> 


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