

Fwd: Earn a million dollars – message 1

---------- Forwarded message --------- From: Jon Silver < > Date: Tue, Feb 2, 2021 at 3:14 PM Subject: Re...

Tuesday, December 1, 2020

Fwd: The 5 mistakes online course creators MUST avoid


The rules just changed....

If you are currently selling an online course or digital training product (or would like to start in the near future), then this affects you.

As the world shifts more & more online, 2021 is shaping up as a brand new (and rapidly growing) opportunity to reach more people who need what you do.

But if you want your share of this near billion-a-day industry, you MUST be aware of the new rules.

On Thur/Fri/Sat, my super-smart friend Marisa Murgatroyd is holding 3 live webinars to reveal the 5 Biggest, Deadliest and Most "Profit-killing" Mistakes that CAN and WILL prevent your success in 2021.

Highly recommended: Save your seat as space will be limited

You're going to discover what Marisa calls the "Big 5":

  • The "Picnic Pants" Pattern that virtually everyone falls for that keeps them stuck for YEARS... Her ingenious solution removes these blocks & gets you into huge action FAST! (You'll love this one Jon!)
  • The "Thud Factor" (and 2 other marketing "hacks") that straight up NO LONGER WORK! And worse, they convince you to spend months of time & piles of cash creating a course nobody will end up buying! (I was like "of course!" when Marisa showed me this one.)
  • The "Job #1" mistake -- and how it keeps you focused on the "wrong" thing, and keeps you poor. Refocus on the correct target for 2021 and join the ranks of the mega-successful virtually overnight
  • The "Everything is Awesome" Error -- (now this is crazy)... Did you know that the way you build your course experience is actually FORCING students to abandon? (And that destroys backend revenue while cutting off any chance of future sales & real income) WOW!
  • The "Tech Trap" -- the single BIGGEST reason that course creators get stuck & quit in frustration before they even make their first dollar online! (I'll admit I've made this mistake, over and over again.)

Every single one of these makes so much sense, and I can't believe I never saw them before now.

I'm totally sending my team to this webinar so they can implement everything Marisa's teaching here.

And I highly recommend you join and learn from the Master of What's Working in Online Education in 2021.



P.S. Marisa won't be offering any replays of this, since the material is so new and powerful -- so I URGE you to make the time to join us.

Don't worry though - she's going to do the webinar at 3 different days and times, so that there's a timezone that'll work for you no matter where you are in the world.

Click to reserve your spot for one of Marisa's 3 upcoming live webinars

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Jeff Bullas <>
Date: Wed, Oct 14, 2020 at 12:32 PM
Subject: The 5 mistakes online course creators MUST avoid
To: <>



PP.S. Marisa won't be offering any replays of this, since the material is so new and powerful -- so I URGE you to make the time to join us.

Don't worry though - she's going to do the webinar at 3 different days and times, so that there's a timezone that'll work for you no matter where you are in the world.

Click to reserve your spot for one of Marisa's 3 upcoming live webinars

Unsubscribe Pty Ltd
PO Box 73
Lilyfield, New South Wales 2040

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