

Fwd: Earn a million dollars – message 1

---------- Forwarded message --------- From: Jon Silver < > Date: Tue, Feb 2, 2021 at 3:14 PM Subject: Re...

Tuesday, December 1, 2020

Fwd: The best Black Friday/Cyber Monday GIFT you will see all week


OK – I'll come right out and say it: It's Black Friday week and I'm going against the grain this year.

I've partnered with Josh Turner, CEO of Connect 365, who's given me permission to give away free tickets to his upcoming virtual intensive he's hosting.

This is normally $997. But not today.

Today you get it free.

That's right. Nothing for sale here.

SO what is it and why do you need it if you want more leads and clients?

It's called the "Creating An Automated Sales Process" 4-Day Virtual Intensive" where Josh will show you how to create an automated client attraction & sales system designed to get you more sales opportunities in significantly less time.

(That means more leads and clients, and less time spent getting them! That's a total win-win in my book).

Sign up here NOW

Before I tell you more about it, you should know that it's free until 10:00 A.M. CST on Tuesday Dec 1st.

So, why are we giving it to you for free?

Because technology was supposed to have helped us do business. Obviously, to a certain extent it has, but there's a giant problem: it's eroded the trust in the market necessary to close high end clients. That's the simple reason it's harder and harder to get consistent leads.

You can turn that on its head though. In fact, what if you could automate all of your prospecting, outreach, lead gen, and even follow up? So that it didn't take you hardly any time? What if you had a truly AUTOMATED client attraction process without coming off as cold and impersonal?

When you have this in's a complete game changer. We can help you do it.

This 4 day Intensive teaches you how to use automation in a way that does not sacrifice trust and the personal touch. In fact, your prospects won't even know it was automated.

Throughout the Intensive you'll create your own automated client attraction & sales system the RIGHT get massive results for months to come (with just a couple hours set up) and that's even if you have a small list (or no list at all)!

This is something Josh has been refining for over 3 years.

That's 1095 days of testing and trial and error that you get to skip. It's that big of a deal.

Click here to register now (This is my Black Friday gift to you).

I can't wait to see you there.



---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Jeff Bullas <>
Date: Thu, Nov 26, 2020 at 12:32 PM
Subject: The best Black Friday GIFT you will see all week
To: <>



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