

Fwd: Earn a million dollars – message 1

---------- Forwarded message --------- From: Jon Silver < > Date: Tue, Feb 2, 2021 at 3:14 PM Subject: Re...

Tuesday, December 1, 2020

Fwd: The mindset shift that makes you a Confident Coach


The key to charging what you're really worth as a coach and really believing in the powerful results people can get from your coaching is: CONFIDENCE.

When you believe in your own service, it's contagious and potential clients can feel it, and they're attracted to it. This is one of the key reasons why some coaches make a great living and others are selling high value, high-end coaching packages that provide the kind of lifestyle most people only dream about.

How do you sky-rocket your confidence (and fees) as a coach and have people lining up and even getting on waiting lists to work with you…?

The key is confidence and in this brand new video, Eben Pagan & Annie Lalla, two of the most successful coaches and coach-trainers in the world, show you how you can become truly confident in yourself and your coaching ability… in a way that naturally attracts clients.

Watch Now: Become a Confident Coach and Charge What You're Worth.

In this brand new video training, you'll discover…

  • How to take on the 5 powerful mindsets of confident, successful coaches who make hundreds (or even thousands) of dollars per hour
  • How coaching can provide you with the "Ultimate Lifestyle Entrepreneur" business, where you base your business on the way you want to live your life, giving you ultimate time, money and location freedom
  • How to 'sharpen your saw' as a coach and continually upgrade your coaching skills to increase the trust and confidence your clients have in you
  • How to become a priceless, indispensable asset to a potential client, so they want you in their life and can't resist hiring you and working with you
  • A checklist for helping others to become more confident, make better decisions, and take actions that they are procrastinating on
  • How to discover your own unique 'coaching genius' so you transform clients lives and get them real-world results

This training is incredibly valuable and just by watching the video and doing the exercises, your confidence and skill as a coach will sky-rocket.

Watch it now and master the core mindsets and strategies that make you a skilled, confident, high-end coach:

Watch Online Class Now: Become A Confident Coach



---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Jeff Bullas <>
Date: Tue, Nov 10, 2020 at 12:31 PM
Subject: The mindset shift that makes you a Confident Coach
To: <>



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