

Fwd: Earn a million dollars – message 1

---------- Forwarded message --------- From: Jon Silver < > Date: Tue, Feb 2, 2021 at 3:14 PM Subject: Re...

Monday, June 10, 2019

Fwd: Bots for profit + fun [Free Workshop]

Email is dead?


Not really. (After all, you're reading this because of email.)


But if you've been running a marketing agency or your own business for any length of time, you probably know that the email game isn't what it used to be.


For instance, what's your average open rate?


If it's less than have to keep reading.


I'm hosting a special workshop on a brand new way to reach your audience with my friend Andrew Warner, founder of Mixergy.


Back in the day, Andrew grew an email marketing business to 20 million subscribers, which yielded over $30 million in annual revenue.


He called this time the "golden era" of email marketing… back when 80% open rates were common.


These days, a 20% or 30% open rate is considered pretty decent.


An 80% open rate?


For email?


In 2019?


That's unheard of.


But what if you could get open rates of 80%+ and more sales?


It's possible, you just need to reach your audience where they are now.


So where are they?


They're on FB Messenger. 1.2 billion people use Facebook Messenger monthly, and you can use some simple tools to put your clients in front of new, highly engaged customers.


Floods and floods of your ideal customer are HYPER active on FB messenger. Combine that with the novelty of bots, Facebook's support of Messenger, and powerful marketing…


...And you've got a perfect storm for the next big marketing opportunity.


Want to find out how to close new business for yourself and your clients with Facebook Messenger, all while building a HYPER engaged "messenger list?"


Join Andrew and me for a free LIVE workshop: "Build Profitable Bots & Get Paid To Do It" on Wednesday, Jun 12th at 12pm PT / 3pm ET.


By the end of the session you'll have your first working chat bot.


You'll also find out how to close new clients with this powerful tool.


Go ahead and register for the workshop now, while you're thinking about it.







P.S. Look I know the whole concept of a chat bot could seem a bit weird because hardly anyone is using it, but it's actually exciting BECAUSE HARDLY ANYONE IS USING IT. Find out how to create a bot - and get clients - in the free, live, workshop here.


---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Jeff Bullas <>
Date: Mon, Jun 10, 2019 at 1:07 PM
Subject: Bots for profit + fun [Free Workshop]
To: <>

Jeff Pty Ltd
PO Box 73
Lilyfield, New South Wales 2040
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