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---------- Forwarded message --------- From: Jon Silver < > Date: Tue, Feb 2, 2021 at 3:14 PM Subject: Re...

Monday, June 10, 2019

Fwd: Here's why I'm glad all of my friends are turning 30...

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From: Millennial Money Man <>
Date: Wed, Jun 5, 2019 at 10:40 AM
Subject: Here's why I'm glad all of my friends are turning 30...
To: <>    

Yes, that's right. I'm very happy to see this tragedy happening to all of my friends.

Normally I'm not the kind of person to wish misery on other people, but when it comes to this...

... it makes me happy to see them suffer like I have been for the past 10 months.

Here's what I've learned about being 30:

1. Random injuries become a part of daily life

Case in point: Last Thursday, I was innocently sitting on my couch drinking my boujee artisan coffee complete with organic local honey fresh from our French press.

As I lifted my Kanye West motivational quote coffee mug (sent to me by a M$M reader) to my lips to enjoy this sweet nectar of the Gods...

... I pulled a muscle in my shoulder.

It was literally the oldest of the old man injuries. My age inexplicably attacked me when I was most vulnerable.

2. Getting tired and wanting to go to bed at 8:00 pm becomes the new norm

These days, no matter how long I sleep the night before, my body slowly begins to shut down around 7:30 pm.

If you contact me about "going out to party", and you didn't give me a solid 48 hours of notice...

... that's going to be a hard no.

And I don't want to party anyway, because that means I'll be out too late and we're all too old for that nonsense. Don't even talk to me about doing shots or anything silly like that, because I prefer to sip my drink and consume copious amounts of water to avoid a hangover.

Instead of your partying, I'd prefer to do a matinee movie because it's cheap and I can be home in time to watch whatever new Netflix series is on.

That's just a small taste of the horror that is 30, and I don't even have kids yet. Let's not even go there because that looks terrifying.

So yeah, when I see my friends slowly lose their grasp on their 20's and join me in the land where you still think you're young but really aren't...

... it makes me happy. And I don't care how bitter that seems because I am bitter.

But there is a silver lining.

While I do see all the other people around me growing old, I also notice that they are becoming more interested in adult things like investing.

And they usually have questions:

"Bobby, where do I start?"

"How do I set up a brokerage account?"

"Are those micro investing apps worth my time?"

That third question about micro investing apps is actually the most common, believe it or not.

Apps (like Stash for example) seem to be an easy way to get started with investing.

But is something like Stash really a good option? Is it even worth your time?

Well luckily for you, my old or soon to be old friend...

... I have answers. In fact, I have an entire Stash review, complete with pictures for those of us that prefer not to read in our advanced age.

Go here to learn if Stash is a good investing tool or waste of time.

- Jon-jon

P.S. - Oh, you thought I was joking about the Kanye mug sent to me by a M$M reader? I have two, and I choose one every morning depending on how I feel when I wake up. If I'm feeling humble, I go left. If I'm feeling like Kanye, I go right. I usually go right. Now put your jealousy aside and go learn about Stash.


Want to join over 1,000 M$M readers and make an extra $1,000 - $2,000/month on the side from home? Learn more about the FB Side Hustle Course here.

PP.S. - Oh, you thought I was joking about the Kanye mug sent to me by a M$M reader? I have two, and I choose one every morning depending on how I feel when I wake up. If I'm feeling humble, I go left. If I'm feeling like Kanye, I go right. I usually go right. Now put your jealousy aside and go learn about Stash. 

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Millennial Money Man <>
Date: Wed, Jun 5, 2019 at 10:40 AM
Subject: Here's why I'm glad all of my friends are turning 30...
To: <>      


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