

Fwd: Earn a million dollars – message 1

---------- Forwarded message --------- From: Jon Silver < > Date: Tue, Feb 2, 2021 at 3:14 PM Subject: Re...

Friday, October 25, 2019

Fwd: Don't miss the boat (& 2K+ in 10 weeks, or less)!!


Don't miss the boat!

The USS Experience is about to set sail, and Marisa let me know that she hasn't seen your order come in for the Experience Product Masterclass.

They don't want to leave without you…

… but if you're not aboard by the time the clock reaches zero, they're sadly going to have to leave you behind.

And that is tonight at midnight Pacific time! (Thursday the 24th of October)

And don't forget that when you join up, Marisa is actually guaranteeing your success with her own money.

Just follow her simple instructions, and if in 10 weeks you don't have at least 2K (or a WHOLE lot more) back in your pocket, then:

She'll PAY you the difference.

Yes, she's THAT confident in your success.

The reason?

In EPM, we're traveling together to a new world of "experience escalation"...

Where instead of struggling to sell products that look like everyone else's, YOUR new Experience Product will naturally stand out, have a HUGE impact on your customers and be an asset that will continue to build your business for years to come.

In fact, within 10 weeks you'll have made 2K or more from your Experience Product, guaranteed.

But you'll miss out on the support, community and guarantee if you're not "in" by midnight tonight!

Sign up right now - you don't want to be left behind

Blue skies,


P.S. Whether you're just starting out with your own business and want to create your very first info product, online program or course…

Whether you've already created one but not enough people are signing up or finishing it…

Or whether you have LOTS of programs that you know could be performing better...

The Experience Product Masterclass has the potential to seriously change your life!

But don't just take my word for it -- check out the 642 pages of testimonials Marisa has collected from her students over the past 3 years!


---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Jeff Bullas <>
Date: Thu, Oct 24, 2019 at 4:59 PM
Subject: Don't miss the boat (and 2K in 10 weeks or less)
To: <>

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