

Fwd: Earn a million dollars – message 1

---------- Forwarded message --------- From: Jon Silver < > Date: Tue, Feb 2, 2021 at 3:14 PM Subject: Re...

Friday, October 25, 2019

Fwd: It's so true, but nobody even realizes it!

RE: Check us out  Blog+Biz Blastoff.
 >>> It's an organized 30-Day system that shows exactly 
what it takes to be a successful blogger.  


Very few people realize the potential of blogging.

In fact, this is something that people ask me all the time:

"Wait! You are a professional blogger and you actually make money blogging? Like enough money to pay your mortgage?"

That is something that I've been asked more times than I can count over the years.

And believe it or not, it still bothers me a little.

I guess it's because a lot of people don't realize that blogging is a career and can be a very profitable one too!

I remember when I first got the idea that I wanted to pay our mortgage with earnings from my blog. I think I picked our mortgage because it feels like if you can pay that every month, you feel financially secure.

The thing was, I knew that my blog could provide that kind of income and a whole lot more... but, I had no idea how to make the most of it, where to start and how to keep leveling it up.

The only problem was (and this was a BIG problem), I had no idea how to make the most of it.

Ten plus years ago when I started my blog, I was just writing and trying to figure everything out as I went.

I started on the wrong platform, had no real plan, and wasted a lot of time making mistakes that I chalk up now to "learning experiences".

I knew I could be successful in blogging, but I really had no idea how I was going to make that happen.

There was no road map, very few really successful bloggers to emulate, or courses that showed you how to do it.

I spent 1000's of hours reading message boards and Facebook groups, and picked up bits and pieces along the way.

Ultimately I figured things out.

My blog grew to the point where I was consistently earning $30,000/mo. (from blogging alone).

This type of income changed our lives in amazing ways...

It gave us freedom, piece of mind, and a business that offered some amazing perks.

The crazy thing about what I figured out was that it was something that many others could do too.

I knew a lot of other bloggers out there were struggling (new ones especially) because they were missing some key information and strategies.

I realized I could show other bloggers how to be successful if they were willing to put in the work.

Check us out  Blog+Biz Blastoff.
 >>> It's an organized 30-Day system that shows exactly 
what it takes to be a successful blogger.  

That is why I developed Blogging Blastoff.

It's an organized 30-Day system that shows exactly what it takes to be a successful blogger.

I poured everything I had into creating something that would take away all the mystery and show what successful bloggers were doing to make it happen.

In fact, just to show you how extensive, here is the rundown of material in the course:

  • Day 1 — Laying the Foundations of Blogging Success
  • Day 2 — Your Blog Income Systems: An Overview
  • Day 3 — Your Blog Income Systems, Part I: Sponsored & Guest Posts
  • Day 4 — Your Blog Income Systems, Part II: Affiliate Marketing
  • Day 5 — Your Blog Income Systems, Part III: Product Creation & Sales
  • Day 6 — Your Blog Income Systems, Part IV: Social Media, Photos & Video
  • Day 7 — Your Blog Income Systems, Part V: Running Ads On Your Site
  • Day 8 — Your Blog Income Systems, Part VI: Bonus Income Streams
  • Day 9 — Building The Ideal Blog: Your Layout & Design Blueprint
  • Day 10 — The Fast Track To Success: Getting Your Name Out There
  • Day 11 — Mastering The Business Of Blogging, Part I: Business Structures, Tax & Insurance
  • Day 12 — Mastering The Business Of Blogging, Part II: Contracts, Mailing Addresses, Domain Privacy & Common Mistakes
  • Day 13 — Writing Mouth-Watering Blog Posts That Flood Your Blog With Traffic
  • Day 14 — How To Stay Out Of Trouble: A Crash Course In Compliance
  • Day 15 — The Motivational Boost
  • Day 16 — Everything Bloggers Need to Know About Facebook
  • Day 17 — Everything Bloggers Need to Know About Twitter
  • Day 18 — Everything Bloggers Need to Know About Instagram
  • Day 19 — Everything Bloggers Need to Know About Pinterest
  • Day 20 — Everything Bloggers Need to Know About YouTube
  • Day 21 — Growing Your Most Valuable Asset: Your Email List
  • Day 22 — Building Your Traffic Engine, Part I: Social Media
  • Day 23 — Building Your Traffic Engine, Part II: Search Engine Optimization
  • Day 24 — Turbocharge Your Reach: Sharing & Comment Threads
  • Day 25 — Your Blog Post Promotion System
  • Day 26 — Technical Deep Dive I: Video For Bloggers
  • Day 27 — Technical Deep Dive II: Photography For Bloggers
  • Day 28 — Your Inexhaustible Income Stream: Mastering Email Pitching
  • Day 29 — Living The Pro Blogger Lifestyle, Part I: Blogging Conferences
  • Day 30 — Living The Pro Blogger Lifestyle, Part II: Event Coverage

Whoa...did you read it all?

There is no reason for YOU to struggle for years the way I did.

Blogging Blastoff is 10+ years of hard work wrapped up in a nice little package for you.

One of our students said this about the course material:

Here's the best part, we JUST OPENED the October BLOGGING BLASTOFF enrollments this morning!

Enrollments will be open until midnight on October 31st, and we start class on November 1st.

So far over 4,000 bloggers have taken this wildly popular course because there is absolutely nothing like it.

It's real world training, broken down into bite size pieces taught by someone who is actually a full-time blogger (me).

To read more about my blogging journey click here.

This can be a truly life-changing month and year for you.

If you're ready to start a blog, or take your blog to the next level, I highly suggest you join us.

I want to see you become successful as quickly as possible, but you have to have us help you get there.

Get all the details about Blogging Blastoff and Enroll here.

As soon as you enroll, you get immediate access to all the bonus content.



  João  & JoAn 

P.S. If you haven't started your blog yet, you still have time! Here are the steps to do it. For a limited time, you will also get our WP Fast Launch course (Our $197 WordPress training) for FREE when you sign up for your blog through us.

P.P.S. Check us out  Blog+Biz Blastoff.

 >>> It's an organized 30-Day system that shows exactly 
what it takes to be a successful blogger.  

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Heather & Pete Reese <>
Date: Fri, Oct 25, 2019 at 11:45 AM
Subject: It's so true, but nobody even realizes it!
To: João <>

  Heather (and Pete), 
Unsubscribe | Update your profile | PO Box 1243, Bonsall, California 92003

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