

Fwd: Earn a million dollars – message 1

---------- Forwarded message --------- From: Jon Silver < > Date: Tue, Feb 2, 2021 at 3:14 PM Subject: Re...

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Fwd: Are you crazy to think you can change the world?


The honest truth?

You have to be follow the beat of a different drummer, just a little 'different' to step outside the lines, 
color outside the lines, think outside the box, and live an audacious bodacious life… right!?

You have to be a bit mad to want more than the average life,
in a crazy and an insane world.

And you have to be a little nutty to not have the 'realistic' goals everyone tells you to have... 
should have or  would have... it takes courage, strength, guidance and some protection...

That's why the Unstoppable Success Accelerator was created (get full details here).

It was created, by it's creators to provide a safe space for you to dream big...
with that  courage, strength, guidance and some protection...  

...a sanctuary where nobody is going to shoot your dreams down - no matter how "crazy" they are,
the proverbial no judgement zone.

Being a little crazy is what made it possible for me to create my dream 7-8 figure coaching business.

Being a little 'different' is what allowed me to travel wherever I want at the drop of a hat, whenever I want.

And even writing to you while in Richard Branson's Great House, on Necker Island.

So look Friend

If you're like us 'weirdos' who want to live a different kind of life, then you're going to want to take a peek at what's inside the Unstoppable Success Accelerator here. Who, are crazy enough to want to change the world!?.


João & JoAn 

P.S. Here are some of the men and women you will be joining when you get signed up...  

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Niyce <>
Date: Sat, Nov 2, 2019 at 9:29 AM
Subject: Are you crazy to think you can change the world?
To: João <>


"Most Outstanding Positive Psychologist 2018" MSc BSc CTLLS IPPA
Award-Winning Best Selling Hay House Author "Now Is Your Chance"
Certified High Performance & Success Coach CHPC

P.S. Here are some of the men and women you will be joining when you get signed up...


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