

Fwd: Earn a million dollars – message 1

---------- Forwarded message --------- From: Jon Silver < > Date: Tue, Feb 2, 2021 at 3:14 PM Subject: Re...

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Fwd: It makes me nervous to share this with you...


[Real quick: enrollment for Email List Academy is closing in just a few hours. Learn more about the program here >>>]

Now, I want to share something personal with you (I actually feel nervous to share this…)

When I was 24 years old, I was working as an English teacher in Japan, and again in Saudi Arabia, trying to figure out what the heck I wanted to do with my life.

Not only did I feel un-engaged and un-important at my day job, I also felt like my entire life lacked purpose and meaning. I was lost, and if I'm being honest, really depressed about it. I elevated myself to Trainer/ Adviser Telecom Systems Engineer, worked in Saudi Arabia, Kuwait/ Iraq & Afghanistan. Still felt the same way.

While other friends were starting med school and creative businesses, I felt like I was "behind" — yes, even at 24! +... 

At the time, I was working on a little side project: my new blog + Biz. In Iraq & Afghanistan created a net around it with satellite hookup, share it with the boys & girls in camp. It didn't take long for me to become obsessed with the world of blogging and online business. I loved the creativity! The community! The experimentation! The promise of a Laptop Lifestyle! I could be finally Location Independent. We connected the China & Saudi Arabia to the inet the last few countries to connect.

But there was one thing missing from the entire equation for me:

Confidence and courage, not to mention strength, protection and guidance as a civilian the whole time. Can you imagine?

See, growing a blog is similar to growing a business, assuming it's monetized: you have to be willing to put yourself 'your ego' out there and make mistakes. That's how we grow... been at it since we created the ARPANET/ DARPANET (at&t & DoD)  or today's inet... the interwebs as we know it ... read about it, here!....

But me? I'd spent so much of my life trying to be perfect for everyone else, that the thought of trying something — and failing — was almost enough to make me quit before I even started... and since it took so long may have quit, several times along the way, but never gave up #nevergiveup ... #BeTheException.

I contorted myself, reinvented to fit into every box — to be the kind of person no one else could find fault in.

Deep down, I wanted to be worthy. Be appreciated for who I am, be approved of for being me... got criticized by those doing less, than yours truly...

So in the beginning, I played small. I didn't take advantage of obvious opportunities because I was afraid I'd fail at them (and for a recovering Purple People Pleaser, the thought of failing terrified me).

Then, one day, I enrolled in an online course. The first one I'd ever taken. Something about it spoke to me — I knew on a gut level that I needed to join that program. So, I did. And that made all the difference in the world...

And to this day, years later, I still look at that moment as a turning point in my life, of lives.

Because looking back, I wasn't just enrolling in an online course…

...I was investing in myself - enrolling in myself.

I was committing to NO MORE playing small. ...Believe Big, Ask BIG, Receive BIG, & LIVE LARGE!

I was declaring that *I* was worth investing in (  ...yes, even before my blog or business (Blog + Biz) was making money! A funded proposal...).

I was sending a message to the universe — and myself — that I wasn't going to let my fears stop me from living the life I dreamed of, my passion dictated.

You might feel the same way I used to. Worried that if you try too hard, put yourself out there too much, commit too strongly to your business or blog… blog + biz...

...then it might fail.

(And there are few things that can make us feel more unworthy than failure, am I right?!)

Well, I never told you what happened after I enrolled in that course…

...To be honest, I DID make a lot of mistakes in the beginning and to some degree still do (I am human, 'to ERR is human, to 4give divine'...).

I'd take photos for a blog post, only to realize they all turned out blurry used software to sharpen them.

I'd publish an opt-in form, and then have people tell me I set it up incorrectly and they couldn't subscribe etc.

I had Face-Palm moments almost everyday...but I kept going.

Like the energizer bunny....  going, and  going.

And over time, I started to get the hang of things...

  • I published content that people actually looked forward to reading.
  • I grew my email list into the hundreds of thousands of subscribers.
  • I'd get emails from people in tears saying that my work changed their life or lives.
  • I started a 6-figure graphic design business from my dining room.
  • ( I am a graduate after all of the HS of Art & Design NY NY majored in Commercial Art & Photography back in the day )
  • And later a 7-figure education company for entrepreneurs or !ntraprenuers (affiliates).

And none of that happened because I was waiting for the "perfect moment" to get started.

I just went for it. Did it scared... SkiEARD!

And that very first online course I took (before my blog + biz ever made a penny), gave me the courage to believe that I was worth it. I could do it...

And lovebug, I want you to believe that you're worth it, too.

I want you to see how many lives YOU can change, as soon as you commit to stop playing small.

"People often say that motivation doesn't last. Well, neither does bathing - that's why we recommend it daily.

You can get everything in life you want if you will just help enough other people get what they want.

You don't have to be great at something to start, but you have to start to be great at something." --Z Zig Ziglar

We're down to the wire for you to enroll in Email List Academy (enrollment closes in a few hours btw).

I know that you're interested in growing your email list, but I see that you haven't signed up for the program yet.

So, I have a feeling that the reason you haven't enrolled has nothing to do with the course material...

...And everything to do with your belief in yourself.

As someone who used to "wait for the perfect moment" to be ready...Who was afraid to invest in herself because she didn't think she was worth it...Who played small for years because she was afraid of owning her power…

...I GET it... we got you, not to   worry...

But I want you to know that when you enroll in Email List Academy, you're committing to more than just "growing your email list."

You're committing to yourself. Your dream. The lives you want to change.

This course could become YOUR turning point.

And if you're nervous about signing up, but you KNOW in your gut that this is the right step for you, then don't worry — that's absolutely normal when you're making a commitment to something that matters to you.

One of my favorite things about Email List Academy is that I'm doing LIVE weekly coaching calls for the next THREE MONTHS with my ELA students.

So, I'll be able to…

  • Make SURE you get through the material and hold you accountable.
  • Answer all of your questions so that you can get incredible results.
  • Push you to believe in yourself, and help you to heal when you're worried that you're not enough.

As someone who's been where you are right now, I'm going to be holding your hand every step of the way.

I truly hope to see you inside Email List Academy. This course could change everything for you.

Click here to learn more and enroll in the program right now.

And if nothing else, I hope you start to believe in yourself as much as I believe in you. I hope you marvel at the magic you bring to the world. I hope you stop playing small, and start bringing your fullest self to every single day. <3

My thanks in advance for your time, attention and consideration.

With SO much love, ONE LOVE!  

Here's to Your Abundant Success!



P.S. On the fence about Email List Academy, but want to speak to a member of my team to make sure it's 100% right for YOU? We'd love to chat with you before enrollment closes!

Click here to book a 15-min call now >>>

(Note: US numbers only)

P.P.S. Here's a quick reminder of what you'll get when you join ELA today (in addition to the Academy itself):

  • JUST ADDED: How To Plan Your Business Goals and Annual Income Projections Masterclass ($197) Understanding where your revenue is coming from and when is the only way you can truly scale it up, make smart investment decisions, and track growth.

    You'll learn how I plan my income projections for the year. AND I'll give you a tour of my project management system where I manage the day-to-day tasks that help me to reach my goals.
  • JUST ADDED: Case Studies: A Breakdown of High Converting Opt-In Pages ($197 Value): These case studies will show you some of my TOP performing landing pages and break down every single aspect of them so that you can learn what works (and what doesn't) when designing a high-converting landing page of your own.
  • 12 Weeks of LIVE Group Coaching with Melyssa Griffin ($2997 Value): This one is BIG. Every week for 12 whole weeks you're invited to jump on a call with me and your fellow list builders to ask questions, get feedback, stay accountable, and soak up enough email marketing wisdom and inspiration to last you a lifetime. (Just so that the value of this really sinks in, it costs $25k/year to work with me in my group coaching programs...but you're getting live coaching with me for free as a bonus just for joining ELA. Insane!)
  • Copywriting Your Way to 6-Figures Masterclass ($297 Value): Great copywriting is the best way to convert subscribers to sales (and to even get people on your email list in the first place — helloooo savvy opt-in forms!). And what you'll learn in this bonus workshop with copywriter extraordinaire, Jamie Jensen, will serve you throughout your whole business, not only your email marketing.
  • How to Explode Your Email List with Free Publicity Masterclass ($297 Value): In this bonus workshop with publicity expert, Susie Moore, you'll get the strategies and inspiration you need in order to create consistent visibility, a constant influx of new and engaged subscribers, increased sales, brag-worthy brands to add to the 'as seen on' section of your website, and so much more.
  • Attract Your Ideal Audience Workbook ($49 Value): This'll help you figure out who your target subscribers and customers are and exactly and where to find them.
  • 30 Days of ConvertKit for Free ($29 Value): Because I want you to have access to the easiest email marketing platform out there — with the most advanced features. (Yep, Email List Academy will include ALL the tech tutorials you need to get your email list rockin' and rollin' too!).
  • Private Email List Academy Facebook Group ($297 Value): Get instant access to the private FB group and connect with myself and like-minded list builders to get the support, feedback, encouragement, and inspiration you need to grow your list like never before.

Ready to access all of the above and build your list and biz like never before? Let's do this! >>>

I CAN'T WAIT to meet you in our first (of 12) live weekly coaching calls next week. :)

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Melyssa Griffin <>
Date: Wed, Nov 20, 2019 at 10:28 AM
Subject: It makes me nervous to share this with you
To: <>



~ Melyssa


The Nectar Collective, LLC 520 Broadway Suite 200 Santa Monica, California 90401 United States

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