

Fwd: Earn a million dollars – message 1

---------- Forwarded message --------- From: Jon Silver < > Date: Tue, Feb 2, 2021 at 3:14 PM Subject: Re...

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Fwd: The only thing you REALLY need in business

Holla, Oye...

Marketing, branding, messaging, social media, funnels and tactics.

These things are all important for your business for sure - but the truth is that there's one thing that trumps them all.

The one thing that when you get right, it changes the game for your business.

This tiny little thing is the reason why I have been able to make $500k in the last 12 months (without launching or burning myself out).

You ready for it?

It's certainty.

Certainty in yourself, your offer, your message and your outcome.

You see, when you have certainty, it means you have the confidence in yourself and if there's something I have learned in my years of business is that the person who has the strongest belief wins.

Meaning - if you are talking to someone and they are more convinced that their problem won't be solved than you believing that you can solve it for them, then there's no way you will make that sale.

But if we take a step back before the call even takes place and look at your messaging and marketing in general - you need to ensure that everything you are putting out there (from your website, to live videos, to blog posts, to lead magnet) is INFUSED with your certainty.

When we look at that certainty it's all about letting go of playing small and thinking big of yourself.

At the end of the day, you have to believe in you. If you don't believe in yourself, how are you going to get others to do it?

And I get it - if you are starting out, it might be a bit harder to believe in yourself when you don't have 100 case studies, or a ton of experience or 10,000 followers on Instagram. I get it.

But the answer to this ISN'T making a decision to not try. It's finding the way to get certainty in yourself, no matter where you are (or aren't) right now.

Because here's the deal - all those people that you see out there being super successful with a massive following? They started more or less where you are now.

Can you imagine what would have happened if they would have decided to not build their businesses because "they weren't enough"?

Listen - what if you have a multi-million dollar idea within you?

You need to find a way to get certainty in yourself and build the confidence that will allow you to create massive success. Period.

And if you need help with that - that's my secret sauce. I'm SERIOUSLY soooo good at helping people build confidence and certainty in themselves.

In fact, I tell my clients often: you might think I'm in the branding and marketing business, but the truth is that I'm in the confidence business.

That's what I REALLY do.

So if you want my help to building your certainty and confidence AND having the strategy to turn that belief into money - we need to talk.

It's that simple.

Book your call right here

Con amor,

 ~  João  


---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Fabi Paolini <>
Date: Wed, Nov 20, 2019 at 9:25 AM
Subject: The only thing you REALLY need in business
To: João <>


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