

Fwd: Earn a million dollars – message 1

---------- Forwarded message --------- From: Jon Silver < > Date: Tue, Feb 2, 2021 at 3:14 PM Subject: Re...

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Fwd: Want to make $1k/hour consulting in the tech space?

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RE: We just scratched the surface, baby! Come get valuable free training like this live inside the Tech Entrepreneur Collective and learn how to build out your own tech business. Click this link to join:


As a tech professional who helps tech entrepreneurs (and aspiring tech entrepreneurs) "make it" in the online tech space so they can #workfromwherever, I get questions. Lots of 'em.

The most common: "Can I really land high-paying consulting jobs when I'm competing against huge consulting firms?"

(The second most common? "What would you do differently if you had to start over today?" to which my answer is always, "LOL nothing" – you'll see why in a minute!)

Now, as for that first Q, it's a smart one.

And – confession! – I had it, too, when I first decided to make the big transition from uncomfortable employee to comfortably self-employed/serial entrepreneur. (Today, I run 3 online businesses!)

I knew snagging jobs as a data strategy consultant for major corporations meant putting my dukes up against the big boys (Deloitte, Dell, Accenture, you know).

But in true Lillian fashion, I made it happen. (In fact, within my first 12-months in biz, I sealed consulting gigs with major corporations like IBM and UN-HCR. Me, the teeny weeny small business owner competing against huge, highly-insured tech megaliths! Who woulda thunk?)

Now, I'm definitely not here to brag. (Not the way I roll.) But I am here to share highly-valuable tips to help you play the long game and score high-paying jobs in the tech space, too.

(And I'm not gonna just share what to do, but exactly how I did it. Plus, I'm including pictures, because I know in today's world it's 'pics or it didn't happen.')

Let's get started, k?

Step 1: Establish a Brand...but not just "any old brand. Pinpoint a niche – and build your brand within the specific area you want to work.

Step 2: Increase Visibility. Next? Get to work showing up (virtually + in-person) in your space. This looks different for everyone, but usually includes whipping up unique content to position yourself as an authority, hitting up industry events and networking (or swapping IG DMs) with !nfluencers in your niche.

What did I do? Chose data science as my niche and declared it my thing. Launched my own big data blog and started writing social media posts on Twitter, LinkedIn & Facebook - covering topics related to big data, exclusively. Also: Attended several events + accepted press opportunities when they came along.

(Here I am – the only woman – on a high-powered panel at IBM Insight way back in 2015.)

(See that? That's me, quoted in The Washington Post as an expert. CHILLS, still.)

Step 3: Build lower-level offers to increase reach + trust. Want to easily establish your credibility and "get known" as an expert? Create lower-level offers (books, courses, e-books) that demonstrate your expertise without a huge price tag. And don't rule out partnerships with others in your space (this was a game-changer for me!).

What I did: After blogging on data topics for 18 months or so, I got approached by a Wiley editor to write "Data Science for Dummies". That one went so well, Wiley and I did another for Dell and BMC Software). Now this is a sweet deal for several reasons. First, Wiley is AWESOME to work with! That and Wiley also takes on the trouble of marketing + selling the book for me. Oh, and I got to travel the world while I wrote, so why the heck not, right? I also built online training courses for LinkedIn Learning and, through that, I trained hundreds of thousands of professional on all things data science.

(Oh hey – there are two of the books I wrote, with my name on them!)

Step 4: Add a mid-level offer
Once more people know who you are, and a few people (or maybe lots more people) have snapped up your smaller offers, throw a mid-level offer into the mix. (Trust me: By this point, you've got people who know, like and trust you and some of them are looking for more from you – now's the time to give it to them!)

Here's what I did: Built + delivered a face-to-face big data strategy training course. Checked my LinkedIn inbox on a regular basis and kept in touch with leads looking for strategy. (Fun fact: I landed a strategy contract with a Fortune 500 company this way. And ironically, I was hired after a megalith data consulting firm was let go. And? I still cost less than the big firm, even though I charged $1k/hour.) Collected student + client testimonials from people who were racking up amazing results using my big data strategy framework.

(This LinkedIn post showed several layers of credibility – including the Metis keynote

whilst off in Kuala Lumpur providing live training to 40 professionals there.)

The steps above will give you a super solid foundation – but of course, you'll never truly stop working on building your brand.

Still, if you put even just like two of the above ideas into play, I pinky-promise the tides will eventually shift in your favor – and people will start seeking you out, not the other way around.

(In fact, right now we're not even taking on data strategy or training clients because we're focused on Catapult, but we still receive endless requests for JVs, consulting and other projects. Don't worry, we'll be back into the data biz in Q3.)

Now it's your turn!

What one action can you take today to start elevating your presence in your niche, so one day you're the one nabbing $1k/hour consulting gigs?

My thanks in advance for your trouble, time, attention energy and consideration.

  (Feel free to hit reply and let me know <Joã> . Seriously. I'd love to get to know you!)  

Yours truly,





P.S. Dig this email? We just scratched the surface, baby! Come get valuable free training like this live inside the Tech Entrepreneur Collective and learn how to build out your own tech business. Click this link to join:

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From: Lillian Pierson (@BigDataGal) <>
Date: Sun, Nov 10, 2019 at 11:11 AM
Subject: Want to make $1k/hour consulting in the tech space?
To: João <>
-- Lillian 

Data-Mania, LLC
1321 Upland Drive, #1454, Houston, Texas 77043
© Copyright 2019. All Rights Reserved.

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