

Fwd: Earn a million dollars – message 1

---------- Forwarded message --------- From: Jon Silver < > Date: Tue, Feb 2, 2021 at 3:14 PM Subject: Re...

Thursday, January 2, 2020

Fwd: [OM2C] SEO Refresh: Here's Your SEO Checklist

Hi,  Just about every day in my Facebook & Instagram feed I see an advertisement for SEO services.

They want to show me the "guaranteed way to rank my website".

Or that I need to prepare for the next big Ysahoo, Bing, or Google update etc.

I just ignore them.

The way I "SEO" my websites is quite simple.

  1. I use the All In One SEO plugin (or Yoast)
  2. I target low competition keywords
  3. I use the keyword in my post title, URL, and first paragraph
  4. I use the keyword in an h2 and h3 tag
  5. I internally link to/from relevant pages as I create new content

That's about it.

Unfortunately, it doesn't guarantee page 1 rank :(

Can anyone guarantee rank though?

(The answer is no) 

It could take two or three months to rank. 

So would you rather have a simple system that works most of the time or a complicated system that just works sometimes?

Of course simple is better!

Then you can focus on what matters - writing content for PEOPLE, not search engines.

Details of how I deal with On Page SEO and Off Page SEO is discussed in my ebook Money Blog.

Here's the free version of basic SEO on my blog.

Here's the full SEO checklist I use.

You wanna know who's the SEO master to learn from though?

Jay from Wealthy Affiliate.

He's the best of the best, and he doesn't mess with any black hat stuff.

I love the way he simplifies SEO to basic, easy to understand concepts.

Here's is 2019 SEO Checklist you gotta watch.

Search the "Live Training" area for past webinars too.

There's a bunch of them.

He's an SEO master, and will not confuse you with gimmicky tactics.

If you have time today, you should definitely watch a webinar!

Have fun :)

Of course simple is better! And I have son idea... 

Tell what you think? <>

I have the SEO optimizer PRO for you... 

SILVER/Platinum Update/upgrade: 

and/or sign-in as my guest:

Free (100% FREE)... you won't regret it,  promise... 


"It's not the size of your dreams, that determines whether or not they come true, but the size of the actions you take that implies their inevitable arrival." ~Mike Dooley

This Software (S/w)  will do it for you... just join us... One day sale,  26th Anniversary Sale! You GET the gifts...

My thanks in advance for your,  attention, consideration,  energy,  time,  and trouble. 

Here's to your abundant success! 





---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: One More Cup of Coffee <>
Date: Thu, Dec 19, 2019, 12:11 AM
Subject: [OM2C] SEO Refresh: Here's Your SEO Checklist
To: <>

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