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---------- Forwarded message --------- From: Jon Silver < > Date: Tue, Feb 2, 2021 at 3:14 PM Subject: Re...

Thursday, January 2, 2020

RE: [OM2C] This Is An Easy Mistake To Fix!

Oh hello again ! Fancy meet'g you here! Come here often? ... Subscribe... 

Funny meeting you here, lol j/k.

We make lots of mistakes as beginners.

This one is easy to fix.

The simple mistake is using ONLY the keyword in your blog post title.

For example, my keyword is "espresso coffee cups".

Writing a blog post called "Espresso Coffee Cups" is a terrible idea!

Here are three reasons why:

  1. It's boring and won't get any clicks
  2. It doesn't describe what the post is about
  3. It's not targeted

There are many better ways to use that keyword.

In fact, you can use it multiple times.

Here are some examples:

  • Are Double Walled Espresso Coffee Cups Better Than Ceramic?
  • 12 Unique Espresso Coffee Cups Gift Ideas For Christmas 2016
  • Stainless Steel Espresso Coffee Cups VS Glass

Of course, there are endless possibilities here, from just one keyword.

That means you can use one keyword to make multiple blog posts.

Just make sure the search intent is unique!

That means you don't want:

  • 12 Cool Espresso Coffee Cups For Father's Day
  • 10 Funny Espresso Coffee Cups For Father's Day 2019

These are basically the same idea.

If one ranks, the other will not.

This simple technique to getting traffic, clicks, and sales is just one of the cool ideas I talk about in my book Money Blog.

It took me two years of spinning my wheels to learn that.

You learned it in two minutes.

That type of condensed knowledge is what I focused on when writing my book.

Check it out on Azon if you haven't got it already.

If you buy and like it, leave me a review!

"It's not the size of your dreams, that determines whether or not they come true, but the size of the actions you take that implies their inevitable arrival." ~Mike Dooley

This S/w will do it for you... just join us... One day sale,  26th Anniversary Sale! You GET the gifts...

My thanks in advance for your,  attention, consideration,  energy,  time,  and trouble. 

Here's to your abundant success! 




---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: One More Cup of Coffee <>
Date: Wed, Dec 18, 2019, 12:00 AM
Subject: [OM2C] This Is An Easy Mistake To Fix!
To: <>

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